
Ready to use trainer for LLM task pipeline


Trainer(adaltask[, optimization_order, ...])

Ready to use trainer for LLM task pipeline to optimize all types of parameters.

class Trainer(adaltask: AdalComponent, optimization_order: Literal['sequential', 'mix'] = 'sequential', strategy: Literal['random', 'constrained'] = 'constrained', max_steps: int = 1000, train_batch_size: int | None = 4, num_workers: int = 4, ckpt_path: str = None, batch_val_score_threshold: float | None = 1.0, correct_val_score_threshold: float | None = 0.5, max_error_samples: int | None = 2, max_correct_samples: int | None = 2, max_proposals_per_step: int = 5, train_loader: Any | None = None, train_dataset: Any | None = None, val_dataset: Any | None = None, test_dataset: Any | None = None, raw_shots: int | None = None, bootstrap_shots: int | None = None, weighted_sampling: bool = False, exclude_input_fields_from_bootstrap_demos: bool = False, debug: bool = False, save_traces: bool = False, sequential_order: List[str] = ['text', 'demo'], skip_subset_val: bool = False, disable_backward_gradients: bool = False, disable_backward: bool = False, text_optimizers_config_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = {}, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Component

Ready to use trainer for LLM task pipeline to optimize all types of parameters.

Training set: can be used for passing initial proposed prompt or for few-shot sampling. Validation set: Will be used to select the final prompt or samples. Test set: Will be used to evaluate the final prompt or samples.

  • adaltask – AdalComponent: AdalComponent instance

  • strategy – Literal[“random”, “constrained”]: Strategy to use for the optimizer

  • max_steps – int: Maximum number of steps to run the optimizer

  • num_workers – int: Number of workers to use for parallel processing

  • ckpt_path – str: Path to save the checkpoint files, default to ~/.adalflow/ckpt.

  • batch_val_score_threshold – Optional[float]: Threshold for skipping a batch

  • max_error_samples – Optional[int]: Maximum number of error samples to keep

  • max_correct_samples – Optional[int]: Maximum number of correct samples to keep

  • max_proposals_per_step – int: Maximum number of proposals to generate per step

  • train_loader – Any: DataLoader instance for training

  • train_dataset – Any: Training dataset

  • val_dataset – Any: Validation dataset

  • test_dataset – Any: Test dataset

  • few_shots_config – Optional[FewShotConfig]: Few shot configuration

  • save_traces – bool: Save traces for for synthetic data generation or debugging

  • debug (and for demo) – bool: Debug mode to run the trainer in debug mode. If debug is True, for text debug, the graph will be under /ckpt/YourAdalComponentName/debug_text_grads for prompt parameter,

  • debug

  • parameters. (the graph will be under /ckpt/YourAdalComponentName/debug_demos for demo)


When you are in the debug mode, you can use get_logger api to show more detailed log on your own.


from adalflow.utils import get_logger


optimizer: Optimizer = None
ckpt_file: str | None = None
random_seed: int = None
optimization_order: Literal['sequential', 'mix'] = 'sequential'
strategy: Literal['random', 'constrained']
max_steps: int
ckpt_path: str | None = None
adaltask: AdalComponent
num_workers: int = 4
train_loader: Any
val_dataset = None
test_dataset = None
batch_val_score_threshold: float | None = 1.0
correct_val_score_threshold: float | None = 0.5
max_error_samples: int | None = 2
max_correct_samples: int | None = 2
max_proposals_per_step: int = 5
demo_optimizers: List[DemoOptimizer]
text_optimizers: List[TextOptimizer]
train_batch_size: int | None = 4
debug: bool = False
sequential_order: List[str] = ['text', 'demo']
skip_subset_val: bool = False
disable_backward_gradients: bool = False
disable_backward: bool = False
text_optimizers_config_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = {}
set_random_seed(seed: int)[source]
diagnose(dataset: Any, split: str = 'train', resume_from_ckpt: str = None)[source]

Run an evaluation on the trainset to track all error response, and its raw response using AdaplComponent’s default configure_callbacks :param dataset: Any: Dataset to evaluate :param split: str: Split name, default to train and it is also used as set the directory name for saving the logs


trainset, valset, testset = load_datasets(max_samples=10)
adaltask = TGDWithEvalFnLoss(

trainer = Trainer(adaltask=adaltask)
diagnose = trainer.diagnose(dataset=trainset)
diagnose_report(split: str, acc_score: float | None = None, stats_list: List[Dict] | None = None, log_paths: Dict[str, List[str]] | None = None)[source]
debug_report(text_grad_debug_path: Dict[str, object] | None = None, few_shot_demo_debug_path: Dict[str, object] | None = None)[source]
resume_params_from_ckpt(ckpt_file: str)[source]

Resume the parameters from the checkpoint file

fit(*, adaltask: AdalComponent | None = None, train_loader: Any | None = None, train_dataset: Any | None = None, val_dataset: Any | None = None, test_dataset: Any | None = None, debug: bool = False, save_traces: bool = False, raw_shots: int | None = None, bootstrap_shots: int | None = None, resume_from_ckpt: str | None = None, backward_pass_setup: BackwardPassSetup | None = None) Tuple[str, TrainerResult][source]

train_loader: An iterable or collection of iterables specifying training samples.


Checkpoint file and the TrainerResult object

Return type:

Tuple[str, TrainerResult]

initial_validation(val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any)[source]
prep_ckpt_file_path(trainer_state: Dict[str, Any] = None)[source]

Prepare the checkpoint root path: ~/.adalflow/ckpt/task_name/.

It also generates a unique checkpoint file name based on the strategy, max_steps, and a unique hash key. For multiple runs but with the same adalcomponent + trainer setup, the run number will be incremented.

training: bool
teacher_mode: bool
tracing: bool