Source code for optim.trainer.trainer

"""Ready to use trainer for LLM task pipeline"""

from typing import Literal, Optional, List, Dict, Any, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
import os
import logging
from tqdm import tqdm
import random
import numpy as np
import uuid
import time

from adalflow.core.component import Component
from adalflow.optim.optimizer import Optimizer, DemoOptimizer, TextOptimizer

    from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter
from adalflow.optim.types import (
from adalflow.eval.base import EvaluationResult
from adalflow.optim.trainer.adal import AdalComponent
from adalflow.optim.text_grad.ops import sum_ops

from adalflow.utils import save_json, load_json
from adalflow.utils.cache import hash_text_sha1
from import DataLoader

from adalflow.optim.types import TrainerValidateStats

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Trainer(Component): __doc__ = r"""Ready to use trainer for LLM task pipeline to optimize all types of parameters. Training set: can be used for passing initial proposed prompt or for few-shot sampling. Validation set: Will be used to select the final prompt or samples. Test set: Will be used to evaluate the final prompt or samples. Args: adaltask: AdalComponent: AdalComponent instance strategy: Literal["random", "constrained"]: Strategy to use for the optimizer max_steps: int: Maximum number of steps to run the optimizer num_workers: int: Number of workers to use for parallel processing ckpt_path: str: Path to save the checkpoint files, default to ~/.adalflow/ckpt. batch_val_score_threshold: Optional[float]: Threshold for skipping a batch max_error_samples: Optional[int]: Maximum number of error samples to keep max_correct_samples: Optional[int]: Maximum number of correct samples to keep max_proposals_per_step: int: Maximum number of proposals to generate per step train_loader: Any: DataLoader instance for training train_dataset: Any: Training dataset val_dataset: Any: Validation dataset test_dataset: Any: Test dataset few_shots_config: Optional[FewShotConfig]: Few shot configuration save_traces: bool: Save traces for for synthetic data generation or debugging """ adaltask: AdalComponent # task pipeline train_batch_size: Optional[int] = 4 train_loader: Any val_dataset = None test_dataset = None strategy: Literal["random", "constrained"] optimization_order: Literal["sequential", "mix"] = ( "sequential" # zero-shot first, bootstrap second ) max_steps: int optimizer: Optimizer = None ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None ckpt_file: Optional[str] = None num_workers: int = 4 max_proposals_per_step: int = 5 # moving batch for speed up the training batch_val_score_threshold: Optional[float] = ( 1.0 # when acc_score >= this threshold, skip this batch ) max_error_samples: Optional[int] = 8 max_correct_samples: Optional[int] = 8 debug: bool = False def __init__( self, adaltask: AdalComponent, optimization_order: Literal["sequential", "mix"] = "sequential", strategy: Literal["random", "constrained"] = "constrained", # search strategy max_steps: int = 1000, train_batch_size: Optional[int] = 4, num_workers: int = 4, ckpt_path: str = None, batch_val_score_threshold: Optional[float] = 1.0, max_error_samples: Optional[int] = 4, max_correct_samples: Optional[int] = 4, max_proposals_per_step: int = 5, train_loader: Optional[Any] = None, train_dataset: Optional[Any] = None, val_dataset: Optional[Any] = None, test_dataset: Optional[Any] = None, # For demo optimizer raw_shots: Optional[int] = None, bootstrap_shots: Optional[int] = None, weighted_sampling: bool = False, # if weighted sampling when do few-shot demos exclude_input_fields_from_bootstrap_demos: bool = False, debug: bool = False, save_traces: bool = False, # save traces in the few-shto demos *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__() if not isinstance(adaltask, AdalComponent): raise ValueError("Task should be an instance of AdalComponent") if strategy not in ["random", "constrained"]: raise ValueError("Strategy should be either random or constrained") self.optimization_order = optimization_order self.strategy = strategy self.max_steps = max_steps self.ckpt_path = ckpt_path self.adaltask = adaltask self.num_workers = num_workers self.train_loader = train_loader self.train_dataset = train_dataset self.val_dataset = val_dataset self.test_dataset = test_dataset self.batch_val_score_threshold = batch_val_score_threshold self.max_error_samples = max_error_samples self.max_correct_samples = max_correct_samples self.max_proposals_per_step = max_proposals_per_step self._subset_effect_count = {"pass": 0, "fail": 0} self._fullset_effect_count = {"pass": 0, "fail": 0} self._valset_effect_count = {"pass": 0, "fail": 0} self._effective_measure = { "subset": self._subset_effect_count, "fullset": self._fullset_effect_count, "valset": self._valset_effect_count, } self._raw_shots = raw_shots self._bootstrap_shots = bootstrap_shots self.demo_optimizers: List[DemoOptimizer] = [] self.text_optimizers: List[TextOptimizer] = [] self.save_traces = save_traces self.train_batch_size = train_batch_size self.weighted_sampling = weighted_sampling self.debug = debug self.exclude_input_fields_from_bootstrap_demos = ( exclude_input_fields_from_bootstrap_demos ) # TODO: need to support checkpoint resume too!
[docs] def diagnose(self, dataset: Any, split: str = "train"): """Run an evaluation on the trainset to track all error response, and its raw response using AdaplComponent's default configure_callbacks Args: dataset: Any: Dataset to evaluate split: str: Split name, default to train and it is also used as set the directory name for saving the logs Example: .. code-block:: python trainset, valset, testset = load_datasets(max_samples=10) adaltask = TGDWithEvalFnLoss( task_model_config=llama3_model, backward_engine_model_config=llama3_model, optimizer_model_config=llama3_model, ) trainer = Trainer(adaltask=adaltask) diagnose = trainer.diagnose(dataset=trainset) print(diagnose) """ # 1. track all intermediate outputs if not self.ckpt_path: trainer_state = self.gather_trainer_states() self.prep_ckpt_file_path(trainer_state) save_path = os.path.join(self.ckpt_path, f"diagnose_{split}") print(f"Save diagnose to {save_path}") log_paths = self.adaltask.configure_callbacks(save_dir=save_path) # 2. evaluate acc = self.adaltask.validation_step(dataset, 0, self.num_workers) acc_score = acc.avg_score acc_per_item_scores = acc.per_item_scores # 3. load all completion from the log paths from adalflow.utils.file_io import load_jsonl, write_list_to_jsonl, save_json sorted_indices = sorted( range(len(acc_per_item_scores)), key=lambda i: acc_per_item_scores[i] ) try: sorted_ids = [dataset[i].id for i in sorted_indices] except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "dataset should have an attribute id for tracking the samples" ) print(f"sorted_indices: {sorted_indices}") sorted_scores = [acc_per_item_scores[i] for i in sorted_indices] print(f"sorted_scores: {sorted_scores}") sorted_dataset = [dataset[i] for i in sorted_indices] # reorder the samples based on the score for log_path in log_paths: file_name = os.path.basename(log_path) print(f"Loading log file: {file_name}") logs = load_jsonl(log_path) try: logs_dict = {log["output"]["id"]: log for log in logs} except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Log file should have an output key with an id for tracking the samples. Ensure you have passed the data id to the Generator." ) sorted_logs = [logs_dict[id] for id in sorted_ids] for log, score in zip(sorted_logs, sorted_scores): log["score"] = score write_list_to_jsonl(log_path, sorted_logs) log_dir = os.path.dirname(log_path) diagnose_filename = file_name.replace(".jsonl", "_diagnose.json") diagnose_file = os.path.join(log_dir, diagnose_filename) diagnose_items = [] for i, log in enumerate(sorted_logs): if log["score"] < 0.5: diagnose_item = { "id": log["output"]["id"] if "id" in log["output"] else None, "score": log["score"], "prompt_kwargs": log["prompt_kwargs"], "raw_response": log["output"]["raw_response"], "answer": log["output"]["data"], "dataset_item": sorted_dataset[i], "error": log["output"]["error"], "time_stamp": log["time_stamp"], } diagnose_items.append(diagnose_item) save_json(diagnose_items, diagnose_file) # save the stats stats = { "total_samples": len(sorted_logs), "total_error_samples": len(diagnose_items), "avg_score": acc_score, } save_json(stats, os.path.join(log_dir, "stats.json")) print(f"Total error samples: {len(diagnose_items)}") print(f"Saved diagnose to {diagnose_file}") return acc_score, acc_per_item_scores, log_paths
[docs] def fit( self, *, adaltask: Optional[AdalComponent] = None, train_loader: Optional[Any] = None, train_dataset: Optional[Any] = None, val_dataset: Optional[Any] = None, test_dataset: Optional[Any] = None, debug: bool = False, save_traces: bool = False, raw_shots: Optional[int] = None, bootstrap_shots: Optional[int] = None, resume_from_ckpt: Optional[ str ] = None, # TODO: have a more comprehensive ckpt loading in the future ): r""" train_loader: An iterable or collection of iterables specifying training samples. """ start_time = time.time() debug = debug or self.debug if debug: from adalflow.utils import get_logger get_logger(level="DEBUG") # check task adaltask = adaltask or self.adaltask self.adaltask = adaltask if not isinstance(adaltask, AdalComponent): raise ValueError( f"Task should be an instance of AdalComponent. Got {adaltask}" ) raw_shots = raw_shots or self._raw_shots bootstrap_shots = bootstrap_shots or self._bootstrap_shots print(f"raw_shots: {raw_shots}, bootstrap_shots: {bootstrap_shots}") self.save_traces = save_traces or self.save_traces train_loader = train_loader or self.train_loader train_dataset = train_dataset or self.train_dataset if not train_loader and train_dataset: batch_size = self.train_batch_size train_loader = DataLoader( train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True ) val_dataset = val_dataset or self.val_dataset test_dataset = test_dataset or self.test_dataset # check train_loader and val_dataset and test_dataset, reject tuple if train_loader: exam_batch = next(iter(train_loader)) if isinstance(exam_batch, tuple): raise ValueError( "train_loader should return not be tuple, please use dict or a dataclass or with DataClass" ) if val_dataset: if isinstance(val_dataset, tuple): raise ValueError( "val_dataset should not be tuple, please use dict or a dataclass or with DataClass" ) if test_dataset: if isinstance(test_dataset, tuple): raise ValueError( "test_dataset should not be tuple, please use dict or a dataclass or with DataClass" ) if train_dataset: if isinstance(train_dataset, tuple): raise ValueError( "train_dataset should not be tuple, please use dict or a dataclass or with DataClass" ) # prepare optimizers self.optimizers: List[Optimizer] = self.adaltask.configure_optimizers() self.text_optimizers = [ opt for opt in self.optimizers if isinstance(opt, TextOptimizer) ] self.demo_optimizers = [ opt for opt in self.optimizers if isinstance(opt, DemoOptimizer) ] # config optimizers if len(self._get_trainable_demo_params()) > 0: for opt in self.demo_optimizers: opt.config_shots(raw_shots=raw_shots, bootstrap_shots=bootstrap_shots) opt.use_weighted_sampling(weighted=self.weighted_sampling) opt.exclude_input_fields_from_bootstrap_demos = ( self.exclude_input_fields_from_bootstrap_demos ) self.adaltask.configure_teacher_generator() print("Configured demo optimizers") else: print("No trainable demo params to optimize") self.demo_optimizers = [] if len(self._get_trainable_text_params()) > 0: if self.adaltask.backward_engine is None: self.adaltask.configure_backward_engine() else: print("No trainable text params to optimize") self.text_optimizers = [] if len(self.demo_optimizers) == 0 and len(self.text_optimizers) == 0: print("No trainable parameters to optimize") return None trainer_results = None starting_step = 0 if resume_from_ckpt: self.ckpt_file = resume_from_ckpt dict_data = load_json(self.ckpt_file) trainer_results: TrainerResult = TrainerResult.from_dict(dict_data) # restore the prompts to the adaltask val_scores = [] test_scores = [] for step in trainer_results.step_results: if step.val_score: val_scores.append(step.val_score) if step.test_score: test_scores.append(step.test_score) result_from_step = 0 if test_scores: result_from_step = test_scores.index(max(test_scores)) elif val_scores: result_from_step = val_scores.index(max(val_scores)) prompts: List[PromptData] = trainer_results.step_results[ result_from_step ].prompt print(f"Restoring prompts: {prompts[0]}") self.adaltask._set_param_values(prompts) starting_step = len(trainer_results.steps) - 1 if debug: print("Debugging mode") # if len(self.text_optimizers) > 0: # self._fit_text_grads_one_step_for_debug(train_loader) if len(self.demo_optimizers) > 0: self._fit_demos_one_step_for_debug( train_loader, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset ) return ########Run text_optimizers and demo optimizers in sequential order ######## if ( self.optimization_order == "mix" and len(self.demo_optimizers) > 0 and len(self.text_optimizers) > 0 ): if self.strategy == "random": self._fit_text_grad_demo_mix_random( train_loader, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset, trainer_results, starting_step=starting_step, ) elif self.strategy == "constrained": self._fit_text_grad_demo_mix_constrained( train_loader, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset, trainer_results, starting_step=starting_step, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Strategy {self.strategy} not supported") else: # sequential, text first and demo second if len(self.text_optimizers) > 0: if self.strategy == "random": trainer_results = self._fit_text_grad_random( train_loader, val_dataset, test_dataset, trainer_results, starting_step=starting_step, ) starting_step += self.max_steps elif self.strategy == "constrained": trainer_results = self._fit_text_grad_constraint( train_loader, val_dataset, test_dataset, trainer_results=trainer_results, starting_step=starting_step, ) starting_step += self.max_steps else: raise ValueError(f"Strategy {self.strategy} not supported") if len(self.demo_optimizers) > 0: self.adaltask.configure_teacher_generator() # attemp to use the newest teacher as self._fit_demos_random( train_loader, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset, trainer_results=trainer_results, starting_step=starting_step, ) end_time = time.time() print(f"Training time: {end_time - start_time}s") print(f"ckpt_file: {self.ckpt_file}")
@staticmethod def _estimate_num_epochs(train_loader: Any, max_steps: int): num_samples = len(train_loader) return max_steps // num_samples + 1
[docs] def initial_validation(self, val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any): val_output = self.adaltask.validation_step(val_dataset, 0, self.num_workers) val_score = val_output.avg_score test_score = None if test_dataset is not None: test_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( test_dataset, 0, self.num_workers ) test_score = test_output.avg_score trainer_results = TrainerResult( steps=[], val_scores=[], test_scores=[], step_results=[], prompts=[] ) trainer_results.val_scores.append(val_score) trainer_results.test_scores.append(test_score) prompts = self.adaltask._get_param_values() trainer_results.prompts.append(prompts) trainer_results.steps.append(0) print(f"Initial validation score: {val_score}") print(f"Initial test score: {test_score}") return trainer_results
[docs] def gather_trainer_states(self): trainer_state = {} trainer_state["strategy"] = self.strategy trainer_state["demo_optimizers"] = self._get_trainable_demo_params() trainer_state["text_optimizers"] = self._get_trainable_text_params() trainer_state["max_steps"] = self.max_steps trainer_state["num_workers"] = self.num_workers trainer_state["raw_shots"] = self._raw_shots trainer_state["bootstrap_shots"] = self._bootstrap_shots trainer_state["weighted_sampling"] = self.weighted_sampling trainer_state["exclude_input_fields_from_bootstrap_demos"] = ( self.exclude_input_fields_from_bootstrap_demos ) trainer_state["batch_size"] = ( self.train_loader.batch_size if self.train_loader else None ) trainer_state["train_size"] = ( len(self.train_loader.dataset) if self.train_loader else None ) trainer_state["val_size"] = len(self.val_dataset) if self.val_dataset else None trainer_state["test_size"] = ( len(self.test_dataset) if self.test_dataset else None ) trainer_state["task_class"] = self.adaltask.__class__.__name__ from adalflow.utils.serialization import serialize hash_key = hash_text_sha1(serialize(trainer_state))[0:5] trainer_state["hash_key"] = hash_key trainer_state["task_state_dict"] = self.adaltask.to_dict() # restore_state = AdalComponent.from_dict( # trainer_state["task_state_dict"] # ) # tODO: add a test for adalcomponent # print( # f"restore_state: {str(restore_state.to_dict()) == str(self.adaltask.to_dict())}" # ) # print(f"task_state_dict: {trainer_state['task_state_dict']}") return trainer_state
[docs] def prep_ckpt_file_path(self, trainer_state: Dict[str, Any] = None): r"""Prepare the checkpoint root path: ~/.adalflow/ckpt/task_name/. It also generates a unique checkpoint file name based on the strategy, max_steps, and a unique hash key. For multiple runs but with the same adalcomponent + trainer setup, the run number will be incremented. """ if self.ckpt_file: return from adalflow.utils.global_config import get_adalflow_default_root_path if self.ckpt_path is None: default_root_path = get_adalflow_default_root_path() self.ckpt_path = os.path.join( default_root_path, "ckpt", self.adaltask.__class__.__name__ ) print(f"Checkpoint path: {self.ckpt_path}") os.makedirs(self.ckpt_path, exist_ok=True) # list all existing checkpoints with the same file name prefix hash_key = ( trainer_state["hash_key"] if trainer_state and "hash_key" in trainer_state else str(uuid.uuid4()) ) file_name_prefix = f"{self.strategy}_max_steps_{self.max_steps}_{hash_key}" ckpt_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.ckpt_path) if f.startswith(file_name_prefix) ] run: int = 1 if ckpt_files: # Sort files based on last modification time ckpt_files.sort( key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self.ckpt_path, x)), reverse=True, ) latest_ckpt_file = ckpt_files[0] # get the run number run = int(latest_ckpt_file.split("_run_")[-1].split(".json")[0]) + 1 else: latest_ckpt_file = None self.ckpt_file = os.path.join( self.ckpt_path, f"{file_name_prefix}_run_{run}.json" )
def _pre_fit(self, val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any) -> TrainerResult: # validate first (separate into another function where we can even save the outputs so that we can highlight error predictions) trainer_state = self.gather_trainer_states() trainer_results: TrainerResult = self.initial_validation( val_dataset, test_dataset ) self._add_history_text_optimizers(trainer_results.val_scores[-1]) trainer_results.trainer_state = trainer_state self.prep_ckpt_file_path(trainer_state) return trainer_results # end of validation # TODO: make this the debug def _fit_demos_one_step_for_debug( self, train_loader, train_dataset: Any, val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any ): # get_logger(level="DEBUG") print("Fitting using Random Demo Optimizer") self.prep_ckpt_file_path() print(f"save to {self.ckpt_file}") self.adaltask.train() self.adaltask.trace() self._set_demo_optimizers_dataset(train_dataset) # test teacher mode self.adaltask.use_teacher() train_loader.batch_size = 2 pred_teacher = set() # id of the teacher predictions batch = next(iter(train_loader)) y_preds: List[Parameter] = self.adaltask.train_step(batch, 0, self.num_workers) if len(y_preds) != 2: raise ValueError("Expected 2 y_preds") nodes: List[Parameter] = y_preds[0].trace_graph(y_preds[0])[0] demo_params = [p for p in nodes if p.param_type == ParameterType.DEMOS] if len(demo_params) == 0: raise ValueError("No demo params found") if len(demo_params[0]._traces) != 2: raise ValueError( f"Expected 2 traces, got {len(demo_params[0]._traces)}, traces: {demo_params[0]._traces}" ) print(f"Teacher y_preds: {y_preds[0].to_dict()}") y_preds_outputs = [p.full_response for p in y_preds] batch_eval: EvaluationResult = self.adaltask.evaluate_samples( batch, y_preds_outputs ) batch_acc = batch_eval.avg_score batch_per_item_scores = batch_eval.per_item_scores print( f"Validation accuracy: {batch_acc}, per item scores: {batch_per_item_scores}" ) # test loss losses: List[Parameter] = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch, y_preds, 0, self.num_workers ) print(f"Losses: {losses[0].to_dict()}") self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch], batch_per_item_scores, is_teacher=True ) losses[0].backward() losses[1].backward() pred_teacher.add(batch[0].id) pred_teacher.add(batch[1].id) graph_path = os.path.join(self.ckpt_path, "graph") print(f"Graph saved to {graph_path}") # check the score for key, val in demo_params[0]._traces.items(): print(f"param: {key}, val: {val}") score = val.score if score is None: raise ValueError("Score is None") print(f"param: {key}, score: {score}") print(f"Loss after backward: {losses[0].to_dict()}") # tracking the bootstrap so we wont repeat the same samples for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(train_loader): print(f"Training step: {batch_idx}") if batch_idx > 0: break # eval_student_mode self.adaltask.use_teacher(False) y_preds_student = self.adaltask.train_step( batch, batch_idx, self.num_workers ) losses_student: List[Parameter] = self.adaltask.loss_step( # noqa F841 batch, y_preds_student, batch_idx, self.num_workers ) self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch], batch_per_item_scores, is_teacher=False ) # for loss in losses_student: # loss.backward() y_preds_outputs = [p.full_response for p in y_preds_student] eval_result = self.adaltask.evaluate_samples(batch, y_preds_outputs) print(f"Eval result: {eval_result.avg_score}") eval_score_per_item = eval_result.per_item_scores # bootstrap batch_for_teacher = [] losses_teacher = [] for i, (sample, item_score) in enumerate(zip(batch, eval_score_per_item)): # use teacher if in pred_teacher: continue # if item_score < 0.5: batch_for_teacher.append(sample) pred_teacher.add( # run teacher, use teachers's output instead of the initial output (bootstrap) if len(batch_for_teacher) > 0: print(f"Using teacher for {len(batch_for_teacher)} samples") self.adaltask.use_teacher() y_preds_teacher = self.adaltask.train_step( batch_for_teacher, batch_idx, self.num_workers ) losses_teacher: List[Parameter] = self.adaltask.loss_step( # noqa F841 batch_for_teacher, y_preds_teacher, batch_idx, self.num_workers ) self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch_for_teacher], eval_score_per_item, is_teacher=True, ) # propose self._demo_optimizers_propose() graph_path = os.path.join(self.ckpt_path, "student_graph") losses_student[0].draw_graph(filepath=graph_path) # test step self._demo_optimizers_step() for opt in self.demo_optimizers: if opt.proposing: raise ValueError("Optimizer is still proposing") # check demo params opt_params = [] for opt in self.demo_optimizers: opt_params.extend(opt.params) print(f"Opt params: {opt_params}") for name, param in self.adaltask.named_parameters(): print(f"Param: {name}") if param.param_type == ParameterType.DEMOS: print(f"Demo param: {name}, value: {}, param: {param}") if is None: raise ValueError("Demo param data is None") if len(param._traces) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No traces found, param_id: {}") if len(param._previous_demos) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Previous demos should be empty, param: {}" ) if len(param._demos) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No demos found, param: {param}") def _fit_text_grads_one_step_for_debug(self, train_loader: Any): print("Debugging fitting one step with batch size 2 for text optimizer") from adalflow.utils import get_logger self.prep_ckpt_file_path() debug_path = os.path.join(self.ckpt_path, "debug_text_grads") os.makedirs(debug_path, exist_ok=True) get_logger(level="DEBUG", enable_console=False, save_dir=debug_path) train_loader.batch_size = 2 train_loader.shuffle = True self.adaltask.train() # this will turn everything to train mode correct_loss = None failed_loss = None print("Finding one successful and one failed loss") for batch in train_loader: y_preds = self.adaltask.train_step(batch, 0, self.num_workers) losses = self.adaltask.loss_step(batch, y_preds, 0, self.num_workers) for loss in losses: if > 0.5: correct_loss = loss else: failed_loss = loss if correct_loss and failed_loss: break total_loss = sum_ops([correct_loss, failed_loss]) total_loss.backward() # test optimizer self._propose_text_optimizers() total_loss.draw_graph(filepath=debug_path) def _set_demo_optimizers_dataset(self, train_dataset: Any): # init the dataset for opt in self.demo_optimizers: opt.set_dataset(train_dataset) def _demo_optimizers_propose(self): for opt in self.demo_optimizers: opt.propose() def _demo_optimizers_add_scores( self, ids: List[str], scores: List[float], is_teacher: bool = True ): for opt in self.demo_optimizers: opt.add_scores(ids, scores, is_teacher) def _demo_optimizers_revert(self): for opt in self.demo_optimizers: opt.revert() def _demo_optimizers_step(self): for opt in self.demo_optimizers: opt.step() def _init_demo_optimizers(self): # init the dataset for opt in self.demo_optimizers: opt.init_shots() def _get_trainable_demo_params(self): params = [] for opt in self.demo_optimizers: params.extend([p for p in opt.params if p.requires_opt]) return params def _zero_grad_text_optimizers(self): for text_optimizer in self.text_optimizers: text_optimizer.zero_grad() def _propose_text_optimizers(self): for text_optimizer in self.text_optimizers: text_optimizer.propose() def _get_trainable_text_params(self): params = [] for opt in self.text_optimizers: params.extend([p for p in opt.params if p.requires_opt]) return params def _step_text_optimizers(self): for text_optimizer in self.text_optimizers: text_optimizer.step() def _add_history_text_optimizers(self, val_score: float): if not isinstance(val_score, float): raise ValueError( f"val_score should be a float, got {type(val_score)}, {val_score}" ) for text_optimizer in self.text_optimizers: text_optimizer.add_score_to_params(round(val_score, 4)) def _revert_text_optimizers(self): for text_optimizer in self.text_optimizers: text_optimizer.revert() def _check_optimizer_proposal(self): r"""Return True if all optimizers have proposed a new prompt""" for text_optimizer in self.text_optimizers: if not text_optimizer.proposing: return False return True # TODO: mix training teacher should keep updated with the new prompt def _fit_text_grad_demo_mix_constrained( self, train_loader: Any, train_dataset: Any, val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any, trainer_results: TrainerResult = None, starting_step: int = 0, ): from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter"Fitting using Textual Gradient Descent") trainer_results = ( self._pre_fit(val_dataset, test_dataset) if trainer_results is None else trainer_results ) print(f"save to {self.ckpt_file}") if train_dataset is None: raise ValueError("train_dataset is required") self.adaltask.train() self._zero_grad_text_optimizers() self._set_demo_optimizers_dataset(train_dataset) num_epochs = self._estimate_num_epochs(train_loader, self.max_steps) total_steps = starting_step teacher_losses_cache: Dict[str, Parameter] = {} all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds = [], [], [] for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs), desc="Epoch"): for steps, batch in enumerate((pbar := tqdm(train_loader, position=0))): total_steps += 1 if total_steps > self.max_steps + starting_step: print("Reached max steps") break self._zero_grad_text_optimizers() pbar.set_description(f"Training Step: {total_steps}") self.adaltask.train() # this will turn everything to train mode self.adaltask.trace() # NOTE: this needs to be turned on? self.adaltask.use_teacher(False) y_preds = self.adaltask.train_step(batch, steps, self.num_workers) losses = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch, y_preds, steps, self.num_workers ) # moving batch all_samples.extend(batch) all_losses.extend(losses) # extract the non-parameter y_preds all_y_preds.extend( [y.full_response for y in y_preds if isinstance(y, Parameter)] ) # for loss in losses: # loss.backward_engine_disabled = ( # True # temporary disable the backward engine # ) # loss.backward() # handle the demo self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch], [float( for loss in losses], is_teacher=False, ) # Trace the teacher run self.adaltask.use_teacher(True) self.adaltask.train() self.adaltask.trace() # filter by id batch_for_teacher = [] for sample in batch: if not in teacher_losses_cache: batch_for_teacher.append(sample) y_preds_teacher = self.adaltask.train_step( batch_for_teacher, total_steps, self.num_workers ) losses_teacher: List[Parameter] = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch_for_teacher, y_preds_teacher, total_steps, self.num_workers ) self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch_for_teacher], [float( for loss in losses_teacher], is_teacher=True, ) for idx, (sample, loss) in enumerate( zip(batch_for_teacher, losses_teacher) ): teacher_losses_cache[] = loss all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds = ( self._text_grad_constraint_propose_step( steps=steps, all_samples=all_samples, all_losses=all_losses, all_y_preds=all_y_preds, include_demo_optimizers=True, ) ) if not self._check_optimizer_proposal(): print( "No proposal can improve the subset and full set, go to next step" ) self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, trainer_results.val_scores[-1], trainer_results.test_scores[-1], trainer_results.prompts[-1], total_steps, ) continue # set the batch size to the size of the validation set last_val_score = trainer_results.val_scores[-1] val_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( val_dataset, total_steps, self.num_workers, minimum_score=last_val_score, ) val_score = val_output.avg_score self._add_history_text_optimizers(val_score) if val_score > last_val_score: print(f"Optimizer step: {val_score} > {last_val_score}") # self.optimizer.step() self._step_text_optimizers() self._demo_optimizers_step() # test the model test_score = None if test_dataset is not None: test_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( test_dataset, total_steps, self.num_workers ) test_score = test_output.avg_score new_prompts = self.adaltask._get_param_values() self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, val_score, test_score, new_prompts, total_steps, ) all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds = [], [], [] else: print(f"Optimizer revert: {val_score} <= {last_val_score}") # self.optimizer.revert() self._revert_text_optimizers() self._demo_optimizers_revert() # save the score, no change self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, last_val_score, trainer_results.test_scores[-1], trainer_results.prompts[-1], total_steps, attempted_val_score=val_score, ) print(f"Saving checkpoint to {self.ckpt_file}") save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) # checkpoint def _fit_text_grad_demo_mix_random( self, train_loader: Any, train_dataset: Any, val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any, train_results: TrainerResult = None, starting_step: int = 0, ):"Fitting using Textual Gradient Descent") trainer_results = ( self._pre_fit(val_dataset, test_dataset) if train_results is None else train_results ) print(f"save to {self.ckpt_file}") if train_dataset is None: raise ValueError("train_dataset is required") self.adaltask.train() self._zero_grad_text_optimizers() self._set_demo_optimizers_dataset(train_dataset) num_epochs = self._estimate_num_epochs(train_loader, self.max_steps) total_steps = starting_step teacher_losses_cache: Dict[str, Parameter] = {} for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs), desc="Epoch"): for steps, batch in enumerate((pbar := tqdm(train_loader, position=0))): total_steps += 1 if total_steps > self.max_steps + starting_step: print("Reached max steps") break self._zero_grad_text_optimizers() pbar.set_description(f"Training Step: {total_steps}") self.adaltask.train() # this will turn everything to train mode self.adaltask.trace() # NOTE: this needs to be turned on? self.adaltask.use_teacher(False) y_preds = self.adaltask.train_step(batch, steps, self.num_workers) losses = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch, y_preds, steps, self.num_workers ) total_loss = sum_ops(losses) print("Loss backward...") total_loss.backward() # for loss in losses: # loss.backward_engine_disabled = ( # True # temporary disable the backward engine # ) # loss.backward() # handle the demo self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch], [float( for loss in losses], is_teacher=False, ) # Trace the teacher run self.adaltask.use_teacher(True) self.adaltask.train() self.adaltask.trace() # filter by id batch_for_teacher = [] for sample in batch: if not in teacher_losses_cache: batch_for_teacher.append(sample) y_preds_teacher = self.adaltask.train_step( batch_for_teacher, total_steps, self.num_workers ) losses_teacher: List[Parameter] = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch_for_teacher, y_preds_teacher, total_steps, self.num_workers ) self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch_for_teacher], [float( for loss in losses_teacher], is_teacher=True, ) # for loss in losses_teacher: # loss.backward_engine_disabled = ( # True # temporary disable the backward engine # ) # loss.backward() # save the teacher predictions, if Generator is in cache mode, it will also avoid re-running the teacher for idx, (sample, loss) in enumerate( zip(batch_for_teacher, losses_teacher) ): teacher_losses_cache[] = loss print("Optimizer propose...") self._propose_text_optimizers() self._demo_optimizers_propose() new_prompts = self.adaltask._get_param_values() print("New prompts: ", new_prompts) # set the batch size to the size of the validation set last_val_score = trainer_results.val_scores[-1] val_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( val_dataset, total_steps, self.num_workers, minimum_score=last_val_score, ) val_score = val_output.avg_score self._add_history_text_optimizers(val_score) if val_score > last_val_score: print(f"Optimizer step: {val_score} > {last_val_score}") # self.optimizer.step() self._step_text_optimizers() self._demo_optimizers_step() # test the model test_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( test_dataset, total_steps, self.num_workers ) test_score = test_output.avg_score self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, val_score, test_score, new_prompts, total_steps, ) else: print(f"Optimizer revert: {val_score} <= {last_val_score}") # self.optimizer.revert() self._revert_text_optimizers() self._demo_optimizers_revert() # save the score, no change self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, last_val_score, trainer_results.test_scores[-1], trainer_results.prompts[-1], total_steps, attempted_val_score=val_score, ) print(f"Saving checkpoint to {self.ckpt_file}") save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) # checkpoint def _fit_demos_random( self, train_loader, train_dataset: Any, val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any, trainer_results: TrainerResult, starting_step: int, ):"Fitting using Random Demo Optimizer") # self.adaltask.train() trainer_results = ( self._pre_fit(val_dataset, test_dataset) if trainer_results is None else trainer_results ) print(f"save to {self.ckpt_file}") print(f"Starting step: {starting_step}") self.adaltask.train() self.adaltask.trace() self._set_demo_optimizers_dataset(train_dataset) # total_steps = 0 train_loader.set_max_steps(self.max_steps) teacher_losses_cache: Dict[str, Parameter] = {} pbar = tqdm( zip(range(self.max_steps), train_loader), total=self.max_steps, desc="Step" ) for step, batch in pbar: step = step + starting_step + 1 print(f"Training Step: {step}") pbar.set_description(f"Training Step: {step}") # Trace the run in the demos self.adaltask.train() self.adaltask.trace() self.adaltask.use_teacher(False) y_preds = self.adaltask.train_step(batch, step, self.num_workers) losses: List[Parameter] = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch, y_preds, step, self.num_workers ) self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch], [float( for loss in losses], is_teacher=False, ) for loss in losses: loss.backward_engine_disabled = ( True # temporary disable the backward engine ) loss.backward() # TODO: ensure no gradients in the backward, disable backward engine # Trace the teacher run self.adaltask.use_teacher(True) self.adaltask.train() self.adaltask.trace() # filter by id batch_for_teacher = [] for sample in batch: if not in teacher_losses_cache: batch_for_teacher.append(sample) y_preds_teacher = self.adaltask.train_step( batch_for_teacher, step, self.num_workers ) losses_teacher: List[Parameter] = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch_for_teacher, y_preds_teacher, step, self.num_workers ) self._demo_optimizers_add_scores( [ for sample in batch_for_teacher], [float( for loss in losses_teacher], is_teacher=True, ) for loss in losses_teacher: loss.backward_engine_disabled = ( True # temporary disable the backward engine ) loss.backward() # save the teacher predictions, if Generator is in cache mode, it will also avoid re-running the teacher for idx, (sample, loss) in enumerate( zip(batch_for_teacher, losses_teacher) ): teacher_losses_cache[] = loss # propose self._demo_optimizers_propose() new_prompts = self.adaltask._get_param_values() print(f"New prompts: {new_prompts}") # validate if self.adaltask.validate_condition(step, total_steps=self.max_steps): last_val_score = trainer_results.val_scores[-1] val_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( val_dataset, step, self.num_workers, minimum_score=last_val_score, ) val_score = val_output.avg_score if val_score > last_val_score: print( f"Pass validation: {val_score} > {trainer_results.val_scores[-1]}" ) self._demo_optimizers_step() for opt in self.demo_optimizers: if opt.proposing: raise ValueError("Optimizer is still proposing") # test the new prompts test_score = None if test_dataset is not None: test_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( test_dataset, step, self.num_workers ) test_score = test_output.avg_score self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, val_score, test_score=test_score, prompts=new_prompts, step=step, attempted_val_score=val_score, ) else: print(f"Fail validation: {val_score} <= {last_val_score}, revert") self._demo_optimizers_revert() # ensure all demo optimizer are not proposing for opt in self.demo_optimizers: if opt.proposing: raise ValueError("Optimizer is still proposing") self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, last_val_score, test_score=trainer_results.test_scores[-1], prompts=trainer_results.prompts[-1], step=step, attempted_val_score=val_score, ) save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) pbar.update(1) self._compute_validate_stats(trainer_results) save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) if self.save_traces: for i, demo_opt in enumerate(self.demo_optimizers): for param in demo_opt.params: teacher_traces = param._traces student_traces = param._student_traces trace_file = os.path.join( self.ckpt_path, f"opt_{i}_param_{}_teacher_traces.json", ) save_json(teacher_traces, trace_file) trace_file = os.path.join( self.ckpt_path, f"opt_{i}_param_{}_student_traces.json", ) save_json(student_traces, trace_file) # save demos demo_file = os.path.join( self.ckpt_path, f"opt_{i}_param_{}_demos.json" ) save_json(param._demos, demo_file) print(f"Saved ckpt to {self.ckpt_file}") return trainer_results @staticmethod def _compute_validate_stats(trainer_results: TrainerResult): attempted_val_scores = [ ( step_result.attempted_val_score if step_result.attempted_val_score is not None else step_result.val_score ) for step_result in trainer_results.step_results ] array = np.array(attempted_val_scores) mean = round(float(np.mean(array)), 4) std = round(float(np.std(array)), 4) max_score = round(float(np.max(array)), 4) min_score = round(float(np.min(array)), 4) trainer_results.validate_stats = TrainerValidateStats( max_score=max_score, min_score=min_score, mean_of_score=mean, std_of_score=std, ) def _fit_text_grad_random( self, train_loader: Any, val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any, trainer_results: TrainerResult = None, starting_step: int = 0, ) -> TrainerResult:"Fitting using Textual Gradient Descent") trainer_results = ( self._pre_fit(val_dataset, test_dataset) if trainer_results is None else trainer_results ) print(f"save to {self.ckpt_file}") self.adaltask.train() # self.optimizer.zero_grad() self._zero_grad_text_optimizers() num_epochs = self._estimate_num_epochs(train_loader, self.max_steps) total_steps = starting_step for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs), desc="Epoch"): for steps, batch in enumerate((pbar := tqdm(train_loader, position=0))): total_steps += 1 if total_steps > self.max_steps + starting_step: print("Reached max steps") break self._zero_grad_text_optimizers() pbar.set_description(f"Training Step: {total_steps}") self.adaltask.train() # this will turn everything to train mode self.train() y_preds = self.adaltask.train_step(batch, steps, self.num_workers) losses = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch, y_preds, steps, self.num_workers ) total_loss = sum_ops(losses) print("Loss backward...") total_loss.backward() print("Optimizer propose...") self._propose_text_optimizers() new_prompts = self.adaltask._get_param_values() print("New prompts: ", new_prompts) # set the batch size to the size of the validation set last_val_score = trainer_results.val_scores[-1] val_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( val_dataset, total_steps, self.num_workers, minimum_score=last_val_score, ) val_score = val_output.avg_score self._add_history_text_optimizers(val_score) if val_score > last_val_score: print(f"Optimizer step: {val_score} > {last_val_score}") # self.optimizer.step() self._step_text_optimizers() # test the model test_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( test_dataset, total_steps, self.num_workers ) test_score = test_output.avg_score self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, val_score, test_score, new_prompts, total_steps, ) else: print(f"Optimizer revert: {val_score} <= {last_val_score}") # self.optimizer.revert() self._revert_text_optimizers() # save the score, no change self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, last_val_score, trainer_results.test_scores[-1], trainer_results.prompts[-1], total_steps, attempted_val_score=val_score, ) print(f"Saving checkpoint to {self.ckpt_file}") save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) # checkpoint return trainer_results @staticmethod def _add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results: TrainerResult, val_score: float, test_score: float, prompts: List[PromptData], # target prompts step: int, attempted_val_score: Optional[float] = None, ): step_results = TrainerStepResult( step=step, val_score=val_score, test_score=test_score, prompt=prompts, attempted_val_score=attempted_val_score, ) trainer_results.step_results.append(step_results) trainer_results.val_scores.append(val_score) trainer_results.test_scores.append(test_score) trainer_results.prompts.append(prompts) trainer_results.steps.append(step) def _downsample_move_batch( self, all_samples, all_losses: List["Parameter"], all_y_preds, acc_score_list ): """Downsample the moving batch to a more balanced error and correct samples""" from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter if not all([score >= 0 and score <= 1 for score in acc_score_list]): raise ValueError( "acc_score_list should only contain values between 0 and 1" ) for loss in all_losses: if not isinstance(loss, Parameter): raise ValueError("Loss should be a Parameter object") max_moving_batch_size = 20 correct_indices = [i for i, score in enumerate(acc_score_list) if score > 0.5] error_indices = [i for i, score in enumerate(acc_score_list) if score <= 0.5] if ( len(error_indices) + len(correct_indices) <= max_moving_batch_size # and len(correct_indices) <= max_moving_batch_size ): return all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds, acc_score_list # downsample from all samples new_sample_indices = random.sample( range(len(all_samples)), min(max_moving_batch_size, len(all_samples)) ) all_samples = [all_samples[i] for i in new_sample_indices] all_losses = [all_losses[i] for i in new_sample_indices] all_y_preds = [all_y_preds[i] for i in new_sample_indices] acc_score_list = [acc_score_list[i] for i in new_sample_indices] return all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds, acc_score_list def _moving_batch_sample( self, acc_score_list: List[float] ) -> Tuple[float, List[int]]: """Sample from both correct and error samples according to max_error_samples and max_correct_samples""" # ensure only 0 and 1 in the acc_score_list import numpy as np if not all([score in [0, 1] for score in acc_score_list]): raise ValueError("acc_score_list should only contain 0 and 1") correct_indices = [i for i, score in enumerate(acc_score_list) if score == 1] error_indices = [i for i, score in enumerate(acc_score_list) if score == 0] print(f"Moving batch correct size: {len(correct_indices)}") print(f"Moving batch error size: {len(error_indices)}") if len(error_indices) == 0: raise ValueError("No error samples found") sampled_error_indices = random.sample( error_indices, min(self.max_error_samples, len(error_indices)) ) num_errors = len(sampled_error_indices) # max allowed correct samples min(0.8 * num_errors, len(correct_indices), self.max_correct_samples) max_num_correct_samples = int(2 * num_errors) sampled_correct_indices = random.sample( correct_indices, min( self.max_correct_samples, max_num_correct_samples, len(correct_indices), ), ) print(f"Subset Error size: {len(sampled_error_indices)}") print(f"Subset Correct size: {len(sampled_correct_indices)}") subset = sampled_error_indices + sampled_correct_indices # subset_samples = samples[sampled_error_indices + sampled_correct_indices] subset_score = np.mean(np.array(acc_score_list)[subset]) print(f"Subset score: {subset_score}") return subset_score, subset def _track_effectiveness( self, stage: Literal["subset", "fullset", "valset"], pass_: bool ): if stage == "subset": if pass_: self._subset_effect_count["pass"] += 1 else: self._subset_effect_count["fail"] += 1 elif stage == "fullset": if pass_: self._fullset_effect_count["pass"] += 1 else: self._fullset_effect_count["fail"] += 1 elif stage == "valset": if pass_: self._valset_effect_count["pass"] += 1 else: self._valset_effect_count["fail"] += 1 def _text_grad_constraint_propose_step( self, steps: int, all_samples, all_losses: List["Parameter"], all_y_preds, include_demo_optimizers: bool = False, ): # comptute moving batch acc from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter for loss in all_losses: if not isinstance(loss, Parameter): raise ValueError("Loss should be a Parameter object") self.adaltask.eval() move_batch_eval = self.adaltask.evaluate_samples(all_samples, all_y_preds) move_batch_score = move_batch_eval.avg_score move_batch_acc_score_list = move_batch_eval.per_item_scores if move_batch_score >= self.batch_val_score_threshold: print(f"Skipping batch {steps} as acc: {move_batch_score}") # reset the moving batch all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds = [], [], [] return all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds # downsample the moving batch all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds, move_batch_acc_score_list = ( self._downsample_move_batch( all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds, move_batch_acc_score_list ) ) move_batch_score = np.mean(np.array(move_batch_acc_score_list)) print(f"Moving batch acc: {move_batch_score}") # create a subset with a more balanced error and correct samples subset_score, subset_indices = self._moving_batch_sample( move_batch_acc_score_list ) print(f"Subset batch acc: {subset_score}") # compute the subset loss subset_losses = [all_losses[i] for i in subset_indices] subset_loss = sum_ops(subset_losses) print("Subset loss backward...") start_time = time.time() subset_loss.backward() print(f"Subset loss backward time: {time.time() - start_time}") # 12seconds print("Optimizer propose...") # mark the subset loss to be backpropagated # TODO: make this a step tdqm_loader = tqdm(range(self.max_proposals_per_step), desc="Proposing") for i in tdqm_loader: # print(f"Proposing step: {i}") # self.optimizer.propose() self._propose_text_optimizers() # new prompts if include_demo_optimizers: self._demo_optimizers_propose() new_prompts = self.adaltask._get_param_values() print("New prompts: ", new_prompts) # valide the subset subset_samples = [all_samples[i] for i in subset_indices] # validate the subset val_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( subset_samples, steps, self.num_workers ) # check subset validation score val_score = val_output.avg_score if val_score > subset_score: print(f"Pass subset check: {val_score} > {subset_score}") self._track_effectiveness("subset", True) else: print( f"Fail subset check, try next proposal: {val_score} <= {subset_score}" ) self._track_effectiveness("subset", False) self._revert_text_optimizers() if include_demo_optimizers: self._demo_optimizers_revert() continue # validate the full set move_batch_result = self.adaltask.validation_step( all_samples, steps, self.num_workers ) new_move_batch_score = move_batch_result.avg_score if new_move_batch_score >= move_batch_score: print(f"Pass full check: {new_move_batch_score} >= {move_batch_score}") self._track_effectiveness("fullset", True) break else: print( f"Fail full check, try next proposal: {new_move_batch_score} < {move_batch_score}" ) self._track_effectiveness("fullset", False) self._revert_text_optimizers() if include_demo_optimizers: self._demo_optimizers_revert() continue print("Done with proposals") self.adaltask.train() return all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds # def _fit_bootstrap_few_shot_random( # self, # train_loader: Any, # val_dataset: Any, # test_dataset: Any, # optimizers: List[DemoOptimizer], # ): #"Fitting using Bootstrap Few Shot only") # trainer_results = self._pre_fit(val_dataset, test_dataset) # print(f"save to {self.ckpt_file}") # self.adaltask.train() # # num_epochs = self._estimate_num_epochs(train_loader, self.max_steps) # total_steps = 0 # for optimizer in optimizers: # optimizer.init() # for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs), desc="Epoch"): # for steps, batch in enumerate((pbar := tqdm(train_loader, position=0))): # total_steps += 1 # if total_steps > self.max_steps: # print("Reached max steps") # break # pbar.set_description(f"Training Step: {total_steps}") # self.adaltask.train() def _fit_text_grad_constraint( self, train_loader: Any, val_dataset: Any, test_dataset: Any, trainer_results: TrainerResult = None, starting_step: int = 0, ) -> TrainerResult: from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter"Fitting using Textual Gradient Descent with constraints") trainer_results = ( self._pre_fit(val_dataset, test_dataset) if trainer_results is None else trainer_results ) print(f"save to {self.ckpt_file}") self.adaltask.train() self._zero_grad_text_optimizers() num_epochs = self._estimate_num_epochs(train_loader, self.max_steps) total_steps = starting_step all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds = [], [], [] for epoch in tqdm(range(num_epochs), desc="Epoch"): for steps, batch in enumerate((pbar := tqdm(train_loader, position=0))): total_steps += 1 if total_steps > self.max_steps + starting_step: print("Reached max steps") break self._zero_grad_text_optimizers() pbar.set_description(f"Training Step: {total_steps}") self.adaltask.train() # this will turn everything to train mode y_preds = self.adaltask.train_step(batch, steps, self.num_workers) losses = self.adaltask.loss_step( batch, y_preds, steps, self.num_workers ) # moving batch all_samples.extend(batch) all_losses.extend(losses) all_y_preds.extend( [y.full_response for y in y_preds if isinstance(y, Parameter)] ) all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds = ( self._text_grad_constraint_propose_step( steps=steps, all_samples=all_samples, all_losses=all_losses, all_y_preds=all_y_preds, ) ) # check optimizer stages to see if the proposal was accepted so far if not self._check_optimizer_proposal(): print( "No proposal can improve the subset and full set, go to next step" ) self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, trainer_results.val_scores[-1], trainer_results.test_scores[-1], trainer_results.prompts[-1], total_steps, ) continue # prune the correct sample size if its too big, same with error samples # run the tests as any other optimizer if self.adaltask.validate_condition(steps, total_steps): # set the batch size to the size of the validation set last_val_score = trainer_results.val_scores[-1] val_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( val_dataset, total_steps, self.num_workers, minimum_score=last_val_score, ) val_score = val_output.avg_score self._add_history_text_optimizers(val_score) if val_score > last_val_score: print(f"Optimizer step: {val_score} > {last_val_score}") # self.optimizer.step() self._step_text_optimizers() # save the score step_result = { "val_score": val_score, } self._track_effectiveness("valset", True) # test the model if test_dataset is not None: test_output = self.adaltask.validation_step( test_dataset, steps, self.num_workers, ) step_result["test_score"] = test_output.avg_score else: step_result["test_score"] = None step_result["prompts"] = self.adaltask._get_param_values() step_result["step"] = total_steps self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, **step_result, ) all_samples, all_losses, all_y_preds = [], [], [] else: print(f"Optimizer revert: {val_score} <= {last_val_score}") self._revert_text_optimizers() self._track_effectiveness("valset", False) self._add_one_step_in_trainer_results( trainer_results, trainer_results.val_scores[-1], trainer_results.test_scores[-1], trainer_results.prompts[-1], total_steps, attempted_val_score=val_score, ) trainer_results.effective_measure = self._effective_measure save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) save_json(trainer_results.to_dict(), self.ckpt_file) return trainer_results