The base class for all retrievers who in particular retrieve documents from a given database.
The base class for all retrievers. |
- class Retriever(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
]The base class for all retrievers.
Retriever will manage its own index and retrieve in format of RetrieverOutput
- Parameters:
indexed (bool, optional) – whether the retriever has an index. Defaults to False.
index_keys (List[str], optional) – attributes that define the index that can be used to restore the retriever. Defaults to [].
The key method
is the method to build the index from the documents.documents
is a sequence of any type of document. Withdocument_map_func
, you can map the document of Any type to the specific typeRetrieverDocumentType
that the retriever expects.note: To get the state of the retriever, leverage the :methd: “from_dict” and “to_dict” methods of the base class Component.
- indexed: bool = False#
- index_keys: List[str] = []#
- name: str = 'Retriever'#
- top_k: int#
- build_index_from_documents(documents: Sequence[RetrieverDocumentType], document_map_func: Callable[[Any], RetrieverDocumentType] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#
Built index from the [document_map_func(doc) for doc in documents].
- save_to_file(path: str)[source]#
Save the state, including the index to a file.
Optional for subclass to implement a default persistence method. Subclass can leverge component’s to_dict method to get the states and choose to save them in any file format.
- classmethod load_from_file(path: str)[source]#
Load the state, including index from a file to restore the retriever.
Subclass can leverge component’s from_dict method to restore the states from the file.
- call(input: RetrieverQueryType | Sequence[RetrieverQueryType], top_k: int | None = None, id: str = None, **kwargs) List[RetrieverOutput] | RetrieverOutput [source]#
User must override this for the inference scenario if bicall is not defined.
- async acall(input: RetrieverQueryType | Sequence[RetrieverQueryType], top_k: int | None = None, id: str = None, **kwargs) List[RetrieverOutput] | RetrieverOutput [source]#
Implement this for your async call.
- forward(input: RetrieverQueryType | Sequence[RetrieverQueryType] | Parameter, top_k: int | None = None, id: str = None, **kwargs) Parameter [source]#
Customized forward on top of the GradComponent forward method.
To track the input as Parameters and set the parameter type as RETRIEVER_OUTPUT in the response.