
ModelClient is the standardized protocol and base class for all model inference SDKs (either via APIs or local) to communicate with AdalFlow internal components. Therefore, by switching out the ModelClient in a Generator, Embedder, or Retriever (those components that take models), you can make these functional components model-agnostic.


The bridge between all model inference SDKs and internal components in AdalFlow#


All users are encouraged to customize their own ModelClient whenever needed. You can refer to our code in components.model_client directory.

Model Inference SDKs#

With cloud API providers like OpenAI, Groq, and Anthropic, it often comes with a sync and an async client via their SDKs. For example:

from openai import OpenAI, AsyncOpenAI

sync_client = OpenAI()
async_client = AsyncOpenAI()

# sync call using APIs
response =

For local models, such as using huggingface transformers, you need to create these model inference SDKs yourself. How you do this is highly flexible. Here is an example of using a local embedding model (e.g., thenlper/gte-base) as a model (Refer to TransformerEmbedder for details). It really is just normal model inference code.

ModelClient Protocol#

A model client can be used to manage different types of models, we defined a ModelType to categorize the model type.

class ModelType(Enum):
    EMBEDDER = auto()
    LLM = auto()
    RERANKER = auto()
    UNDEFINED = auto()

We designed 6 abstract methods in the ModelClient class that can be implemented by subclasses to integrate with different model inference SDKs. We will use OpenAIClient as the cloud API example and TransformersClient along with the local inference code TransformerEmbedder as an example for local model clients.

First, we offer two methods, init_async_client and init_sync_client, for subclasses to initialize the SDK client. You can refer to OpenAIClient to see how these methods, along with the __init__ method, are implemented:

This is how TransformerClient does the same thing:

class TransformersClient(ModelClient):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.sync_client = self.init_sync_client()
        self.async_client = None
        support_model_list = {
            "thenlper/gte-base": {
                "type": ModelType.EMBEDDER,

    def init_sync_client(self):
        return TransformerEmbedder()

Second, we use convert_inputs_to_api_kwargs for subclasses to convert AdalFlow inputs into the api_kwargs (SDK arguments).

def convert_inputs_to_api_kwargs(
    input: Optional[Any] = None,
    model_kwargs: Dict = {},
    model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNDEFINED,
) -> Dict:
    raise NotImplementedError(
        f"{type(self).__name__} must implement _combine_input_and_model_kwargs method"

This is how OpenAIClient implements this method:

def convert_inputs_to_api_kwargs(
    input: Optional[Any] = None,
    model_kwargs: Dict = {},
    model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNDEFINED,
) -> Dict:

    final_model_kwargs = model_kwargs.copy()
    if model_type == ModelType.EMBEDDER:
        if isinstance(input, str):
            input = [input]
        # convert input to input
        assert isinstance(input, Sequence), "input must be a sequence of text"
        final_model_kwargs["input"] = input
    elif model_type == ModelType.LLM:
        messages: List[Dict[str, str]] = []
        if input is not None and input != "":
            messages.append({"role": "system", "content": input})
        assert isinstance(
            messages, Sequence
        ), "input must be a sequence of messages"
        final_model_kwargs["messages"] = messages
        raise ValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")
    return final_model_kwargs

For embedding, as Embedder takes both str and List[str] as input, we need to convert the input to a list of strings that is acceptable by the SDK. For LLM, as Generator will takes a prompt_kwargs`(dict) and convert it into a single string, thus we need to convert the input to a list of messages. For Rerankers, you can refer to :class:`CohereAPIClient<components.model_client.cohere_client.CohereAPIClient> for an example.

This is how TransformerClient does the same thing:

def convert_inputs_to_api_kwargs(
        input: Any,
        model_kwargs: dict = {},
        model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> dict:
        final_model_kwargs = model_kwargs.copy()
        if model_type == ModelType.EMBEDDER:
            final_model_kwargs["input"] = input
            return final_model_kwargs
            raise ValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")

In addition, you can add any method that parses the SDK-specific output to a format compatible with AdalFlow components. Typically, an LLM needs to use parse_chat_completion to parse the completion to text and parse_embedding_response to parse the embedding response to a structure that AdalFlow components can understand. You can refer to OpenAIClient for API embedding model integration and TransformersClient for local embedding model integration.

Lastly, the call and acall methods are used to call model inference via their own arguments. We encourage subclasses to provide error handling and retry mechanisms in these methods.

The OpenAIClient example:

def call(self, api_kwargs: Dict = {}, model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNDEFINED):
    if model_type == ModelType.EMBEDDER:
        return self.sync_client.embeddings.create(**api_kwargs)
    elif model_type == ModelType.LLM:
        raise ValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")

The TransformerClient example:

def call(self, api_kwargs: Dict = {}, model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNDEFINED):
        return self.sync_client(**api_kwargs)

O ur library currently integrates with six providers: OpenAI, Groq, Anthropic, Huggingface, Google, and Cohere. Please check out ModelClient Integration.

Use ModelClient directly#

Though ModelClient is often managed in a Generator, Embedder, or Retriever component, you can use it directly if you plan to write your own component. Here is an example of using OpenAIClient directly, first on an LLM model:

from adalflow.components.model_client import OpenAIClient
from adalflow.core.types import ModelType
from adalflow.utils import setup_env


openai_client = OpenAIClient()

query = "What is the capital of France?"

# try LLM model
model_type = ModelType.LLM

prompt = f"User: {query}\n"
model_kwargs = {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "temperature": 0.5, "max_tokens": 100}
api_kwargs = openai_client.convert_inputs_to_api_kwargs(input=prompt,
print(f"api_kwargs: {api_kwargs}")

response =, model_type=model_type)
response_text = openai_client.parse_chat_completion(response)
print(f"response_text: {response_text}")

The output will be:

api_kwargs: {'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'temperature': 0.5, 'max_tokens': 100, 'messages': [{'role': 'system', 'content': 'User: What is the capital of France?\n'}]}
response_text: The capital of France is Paris.

Then on Embedder model:

# try embedding model
model_type = ModelType.EMBEDDER
# do batch embedding
input = [query] * 2
model_kwargs = {"model": "text-embedding-3-small", "dimensions": 8, "encoding_format": "float"}
api_kwargs = openai_client.convert_inputs_to_api_kwargs(input=input, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, model_type=model_type)
print(f"api_kwargs: {api_kwargs}")

response =, model_type=model_type)
reponse_embedder_output = openai_client.parse_embedding_response(response)
print(f"reponse_embedder_output: {reponse_embedder_output}")

The output will be:

api_kwargs: {'model': 'text-embedding-3-small', 'dimensions': 8, 'encoding_format': 'float', 'input': ['What is the capital of France?', 'What is the capital of France?']}
reponse_embedder_output: EmbedderOutput(data=[Embedding(embedding=[0.6175549, 0.24047995, 0.4509756, 0.37041178, -0.33437008, -0.050995983, -0.24366009, 0.21549304], index=0), Embedding(embedding=[0.6175549, 0.24047995, 0.4509756, 0.37041178, -0.33437008, -0.050995983, -0.24366009, 0.21549304], index=1)], model='text-embedding-3-small', usage=Usage(prompt_tokens=14, total_tokens=14), error=None, raw_response=None)