
Class prompt builder for AdalFlow system prompt.


Prompt([template, prompt_kwargs])

Renders a text string(prompt) from a Jinja2 template string.

class Prompt(template: str | None = None, prompt_kwargs: Dict[str, Any | Parameter] | None = {})[source]

Bases: DataComponent

Renders a text string(prompt) from a Jinja2 template string.

In default, we use the DEFAULT_ADALFLOW_SYSTEM_PROMPT as the template.

  • template (str, optional) – The Jinja2 template string. Defaults to DEFAULT_ADALFLOW_SYSTEM_PROMPT.

  • preset_prompt_kwargs (Optional[Dict], optional) – The preset prompt kwargs to fill in the variables in the prompt. Defaults to {}.


>>> from core.prompt_builder import Prompt
>>> prompt = Prompt(prompt_kwargs={"task_desc_str": "You are a helpful assistant."})
>>> print(prompt)
>>> prompt.print_prompt_template()
>>> prompt.print_prompt(context_str="This is a context string.")
>>>"This is a context string.")

When examples_str itself is another template with variables, You can use another Prompt to render it.

>>> {% if examples %}
>>> {% for example in examples %}
>>> {{loop.index}}. {{example}}
>>> {% endfor %}
>>> {% endif %}
>>> '''
>>> examples_prompt = Prompt(template=EXAMPLES_TEMPLATE)
>>> examples_str =["Example 1", "Example 2"])
>>> # pass it to the main prompt
>>> prompt.print_prompt(examples_str=examples_str)

Update the initial prompt kwargs after Prompt is initialized.

get_prompt_variables() List[str][source]

Get the prompt kwargs.

is_key_in_template(key: str) bool[source]

Check if the key exists in the template.

compose_prompt_kwargs(**kwargs) Dict[source]

Compose the final prompt kwargs by combining the initial and the provided kwargs at runtime.


Print the template string.

print_prompt(**kwargs) str[source]

Print the rendered prompt string using the preset_prompt_kwargs and the provided kwargs.

call(**kwargs) str[source]

Renders the prompt template with keyword arguments. Allow None values.

classmethod from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) T[source]

Create an instance from previously serialized data using to_dict() method.

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

Get the dictionary representation of all the Prompt object’s attributes, with sorting applied to dictionary keys and list elements to ensure consistent ordering.


Helper function for Prompt component to get the Jinja2 environment with the default settings.