
Parser is the interpreter of the LLM output. We have three types of parsers:

  • String Parsers: it simply converts the string to the desired data type. They are located at core.string_parser.

  • Output Parsers: it orchestrates the parsing and output formatting(in yaml, json and more) process. They are located at components.output_parsers.outputs. JsonOutputParser and YamlOutputParser can work with DataClass for structured output.

  • DataClass Parser: On top of YamlOutputParser and JsonOutputParser, DataClassParser is the most compatible to work with DataClass for structured output.


LLMs output text in string format. Parsing is the process of extracting and converting the string to desired data structure per the use case. This desired data structure can be:

  • simple data types like string, int, float, boolean, etc.

  • complex data types like list, dict, or data class instance.

  • Code like Python, SQL, html, etc.

It honestly can be converted to any kind of formats that are required by the use case. It is an important step for the LLM applications to interact with the external world, such as:

  • to int to support classification and float to support regression.

  • to list to support multiple choice selection.

  • to json/yaml which will be extracted to dict, and optional further to data class instance to support support cases like function calls.

Scope and Design

Right now, we aim to cover the simple and complext data types but the code.


The following list the scope of our current support of parsing:

int_str = "42"
float_str = "42.0"
boolean_str = "True"  # json works with true/false, yaml works for both True/False and true/false
None_str = "None"
Null_str = "null"  # json works with null, yaml works with both null and None
dict_str = '{"key": "value"}'
list_str = '["key", "value"]'
nested_dict_str = (
    '{"name": "John", "age": 30, "attributes": {"height": 180, "weight": 70}}'
yaml_dict_str = "key: value"
yaml_nested_dict_str = (
    "name: John\nage: 30\nattributes:\n  height: 180\n  weight: 70"
yaml_list_str = "- key\n- value"

In Python, there are various ways to parse the string: Use built-in functions like int, float, bool can handle the simple types. We can use ast.literal_eval and json.loads() to handle the complex types like dict, list, and nested dict. However, none of them is as robust as yaml.safe_load. Yaml can:

  • Parse True/False and ‘true/false’ to boolean.

  • Parse None and ‘null’ to None.

  • Handle nested dict and list in both yaml and json format.

Thus, we will use yaml.safe_load as the last resort for robust parsing to handle complex data types to get List and Dict data types. We will use int, float, bool for simple data types.


Our parser is located at core.string_parser. It handles both extracting and parsing to python object types. And it is designed to be robust.

Parser Class

Target Python Object




Extracts the first boolean value from the text with bool. Supports both ‘True/False’ and ‘true/false’.



Extracts the first integer value from the text with int.



Extracts the first float value from the text with float.



Extracts ‘[]’ and parses the first list string from the text. Uses both json.loads and yaml.safe_load.



Extracts ‘[]’ and ‘{}’ and parses JSON strings from the text. It resorts to yaml.safe_load for robust parsing.



Extracts ‘`yaml`’, ‘`yml`’ or the whole string and parses YAML strings from the text.

Data Class Instance

If your parsed object is dictionary, you can define and use DataClass instance. With from_dict method, you can easily convert the dictionary to data class instance.

Output Parsers

The above parsers do not come with output format instructions. Thus, we created OutputParser to orchestrate both the formatting and parsing process. It is an abstract component with two main methods:

  • format_instructions: to generate the output format instructions for the prompt.

  • call: to parse the output string to the desired python object.

If you are targetting at dict object, we already have DataClass to help us describe any data class type and instance that can be easily used to interact with LLMs. Thus, JsonOutputParser and YamlOutputParser both takes the following arguments:

  • data_class: the DataClass type.

  • examples: the examples of the data class instance if you want to show the examples in the prompt.

  • exclude: the fields to exclude from both the data format and the examples, a way to tell the format_instructions on which is the output field from the data class.

DataClass Parser

To make things even easier for the developers, we created DataClassParser which understands __input_fields__ and __output_fields__ of the DataClass, and it is especially helpful to work on a training dataset where we will have both inputs and outputs. Users do not have to use exclude/include fields to specify the output fields, it will automatically understand the output fields from the DataClass instance.

Below is an overview of its key components and functionalities.




__init__(data_class: DataClass, return_data_class: bool = False, format_type: Literal["yaml", "json"] = "json")

Initializes the DataClassParser

Takes a DataClass type, whether to return the DataClass instance after parsing, and the output format type (JSON or YAML).

get_input_format_str() -> str

Returns formatted instructions for input data

Provides a string representation of the input fields defined in the DataClass.

get_output_format_str() -> str

Returns formatted instructions for output data

Generates a schema string for the output fields of the DataClass.

get_input_str(input: DataClass) -> str

Formats the input data as a string

Converts a DataClass instance to either JSON or YAML based on the specified format type.

get_task_desc_str() -> str

Returns the task description string

Retrieves the task description associated with the DataClass, useful for context in LLM prompts.

get_examples_str(examples: List[DataClass], include: Optional[IncludeType] = None, exclude: Optional[ExcludeType] = None) -> str

Formats a list of example DataClass instances

Generates a formatted string representation of examples, adhering to the specified include/exclude parameters.

call(input: str) -> Any

Parses the output string to the desired format and returns parsed output

Handles both JSON and YAML parsing, converting to the corresponding DataClass if specified.

Parser in Action

All of the parsers are quite straightforward to use.


from adalflow.core.string_parser import BooleanParser

bool_str = "True"
bool_str_2 = "False"
bool_str_3 = "true"
bool_str_4 = "false"
bool_str_5 = "1"  # will fail
bool_str_6 = "0"  # will fail
bool_str_7 = "yes"  # will fail
bool_str_8 = "no"  # will fail

# it will all return True/False
parser = BooleanParser()

The printout will be:


Boolean parsers will not work for ‘1’, ‘0’, ‘yes’, ‘no’ as they are not the standard boolean values.


rom adalflow.core.string_parser import IntParser

int_str = "42"
int_str_2 = "42.0"
int_str_3 = "42.7"
int_str_4 = "the answer is 42.75"

# it will all return 42
parser = IntParser()

The printout will be:


IntParser will return the integer value of the first number in the string, even if it is a float.


from adalflow.core.string_parser import FloatParser

float_str = "42.0"
float_str_2 = "42"
float_str_3 = "42.7"
float_str_4 = "the answer is 42.75"

# it will all return 42.0
parser = FloatParser()

The printout will be:


FloatParser will return the float value of the first number in the string, even if it is an integer.


from adalflow.core.string_parser import ListParser

list_str = '["key", "value"]'
list_str_2 = 'prefix["key", 2]...'
list_str_3 = '[{"key": "value"}, {"key": "value"}]'

parser = ListParser()

The output will be:

['key', 'value']
['key', 2]
[{'key': 'value'}, {'key': 'value'}]


Even though it can work on lists, it is better to only use it for dictionaries.

from adalflow.core.string_parser import JsonParser

dict_str = '{"key": "value"}'
nested_dict_str = (
    '{"name": "John", "age": 30, "attributes": {"height": 180, "weight": 70}}'
list_str = '["key", 2]'
list_dict_str = '[{"key": "value"}, {"key": "value"}]'

parser = JsonParser()

The output will be:

{'key': 'value'}
{'name': 'John', 'age': 30, 'attributes': {'height': 180, 'weight': 70}}
['key', 2]
[{'key': 'value'}, {'key': 'value'}]


Though it works almost on all of the previous examples, it is better to use it for yaml formatted dictionaries.

from adalflow.core.string_parser import YamlParser

yaml_dict_str = "key: value"
yaml_nested_dict_str = (
    "name: John\nage: 30\nattributes:\n  height: 180\n  weight: 70"
yaml_list_str = "- key\n- value"

parser = YamlParser()

The output will be:

{'key': 'value'}
{'name': 'John', 'age': 30, 'attributes': {'height': 180, 'weight': 70}}
['key', 'value']


All parsers will raise ValueError if it fails at any step. Developers should process it accordingly.

Output Parsers in Action

We will create the following simple DataClass with one example. And we will demonstrate how to use JsonOutputParser and YamlOutputParser to parse another example to dict object.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from adalflow.core import DataClass

class User(DataClass):
    id: int = field(default=1, metadata={"description": "User ID"})
    name: str = field(default="John", metadata={"description": "User name"})

user_example = User(id=1, name="John")


Here is how to use JsonOutputParser:

from adalflow.components.output_parsers import JsonOutputParser

parser = JsonOutputParser(data_class=User, examples=[user_example])

The structure of it:

    data_class=User, examples=[json_output_parser.<locals>.User(id=1, name='John')], exclude_fields=None
    (json_output_format_prompt): Prompt(
        template: Your output should be formatted as a standard JSON instance with the following schema:
        {% if example %}
        {% endif %}
        -Make sure to always enclose the JSON output in triple backticks (```). Please do not add anything other than valid JSON output!
        -Use double quotes for the keys and string values.
        -Follow the JSON formatting conventions., prompt_variables: ['example', 'schema']
    (output_processors): JsonParser()

The output format string will be:

Your output should be formatted as a standard JSON instance with the following schema:
    "id": " (int) (optional)",
    "name": " (str) (optional)"
    "id": 1,
    "name": "John"
-Make sure to always enclose the JSON output in triple backticks (```). Please do not add anything other than valid JSON output!
-Use double quotes for the keys and string values.
-Follow the JSON formatting conventions.

Call the parser with the following string:

user_to_parse = '{"id": 2, "name": "Jane"}'
parsed_user = parser(user_to_parse)

The output will be:

{'id': 2, 'name': 'Jane'}


The steps are totally the same as the JsonOutputParser.

from adalflow.components.output_parsers import YamlOutputParser

parser = YamlOutputParser(data_class=User, examples=[user_example])

The structure of it:

data_class=<class '__main__.yaml_output_parser.<locals>.User'>, examples=[yaml_output_parser.<locals>.User(id=1, name='John')]
(yaml_output_format_prompt): Prompt(
    template: Your output should be formatted as a standard YAML instance with the following schema:
    {% if example %}
    {% endif %}

    -Make sure to always enclose the YAML output in triple backticks (```). Please do not add anything other than valid YAML output!
    -Follow the YAML formatting conventions with an indent of 2 spaces.
    -Quote the string values properly., prompt_variables: ['schema', 'example']
(output_processors): YamlParser()

The output format string will be:

Your output should be formatted as a standard YAML instance with the following schema:
id:  (int) (optional)
name:  (str) (optional)
id: 1
name: John


-Make sure to always enclose the YAML output in triple backticks (```). Please do not add anything other than valid YAML output!
-Follow the YAML formatting conventions with an indent of 2 spaces.
-Quote the string values properly.

Now, let us parse the following string:

user_to_parse = "id: 2\nname: Jane"
parsed_user = parser(user_to_parse)

The output will be:

{'id': 2, 'name': 'Jane'}

DataclassParser in Action

First, let’s create a new data class with both input and output fields.

class SampleDataClass(DataClass):
    description: str = field(metadata={"desc": "A sample description"})
    category: str = field(metadata={"desc": "Category of the sample"})
    value: int = field(metadata={"desc": "A sample integer value"})
    status: str = field(metadata={"desc": "Status of the sample"})

    __input_fields__ = [
    ]  # Define which fields are input fields
    __output_fields__ = ["value", "status"]  # Define which fields are output fields

Now, lets’ create a parser that will use the SampleDataClass to parse the output json string back to the data class instance.

from adalflow.components.output_parsers import DataClassParser

parser = DataClassParser(data_class=SampleDataClass, return_data_class=True, format_type="json")

Let’s view the structure of the parser use print(parser).

The output will be:

    data_class=SampleDataClass, format_type=json,            return_data_class=True, input_fields=['description', 'category'],            output_fields=['value', 'status']
    (_output_processor): JsonParser()
    (output_format_prompt): Prompt(
        template: Your output should be formatted as a standard JSON instance with the following schema:
        -Make sure to always enclose the JSON output in triple backticks (```). Please do not add anything other than valid JSON output!
        -Use double quotes for the keys and string values.
        -DO NOT mistaken the "properties" and "type" in the schema as the actual fields in the JSON output.
        -Follow the JSON formatting conventions., prompt_variables: ['schema']

You can get the output and input format strings using the following methods:


The output for the output format string will be:

Your output should be formatted as a standard JSON instance with the following schema:
    "value": " (int) (required)",
    "status": " (str) (required)"
-Make sure to always enclose the JSON output in triple backticks (```). Please do not add anything other than valid JSON output!
-Use double quotes for the keys and string values.
-DO NOT mistaken the "properties" and "type" in the schema as the actual fields in the JSON output.
-Follow the JSON formatting conventions.

The input format string will be:

    "description": " (str) (required)",
    "category": " (str) (required)"

Convert a json string to a data class instance:

user_input = '{"description": "Parsed description", "category": "Sample Category", "value": 100, "status": "active"}'
parsed_instance =


The output will be:

SampleDataClass(description='Parsed description', category='Sample Category', value=100, status='active')

Try the examples string:

samples = [
        description="Sample description",
        category="Sample category",
        description="Another description",
        category="Another category",

examples_str = parser.get_examples_str(examples=samples)

The output will be:

    "description": "Sample description",
    "category": "Sample category",
    "value": 100,
    "status": "active"
    "description": "Another description",
    "category": "Another category",
    "value": 200,
    "status": "inactive"