RAG optimization

In this tutorial, we will cover the auto-optimization of a standard RAG:

  • Introducing HotPotQA dataset and HotPotQAData class.

  • Convert Dspy’s Retriever to AdalFlow’s Retriever to easy comparison.

  • Build the standard RAG with Retriever and Generator components.

  • Learn how to connect the output-input between components to enable auto-text-grad optimization.

HotPotQA dataset

datasets.hotpotqa.HotPotQA dataset is widely used in research community to benchmark QA and RAG tasks. Here is one example of the dataset:

from adalflow.datasets.hotpot_qa import HotPotQA, HotPotQAData

dataset = HotPotQA(split="train", size=20)
print(dataset[0], type(dataset[0]))

The output will be:

HotPotQAData(id='5a8b57f25542995d1e6f1371', question='Were Scott Derrickson and Ed Wood of the same nationality?', answer='yes', gold_titles="{'Scott Derrickson', 'Ed Wood'}")

The dataset comes with more text that you can retrieve from. But in this tutorial, we will use the retriever from DsPy library which allows you to retrieve relevant passages from a large wikipedia corpus using BERT embedding model.


With the following code, we can easily convert the Dspy’s Retriever to AdalFlow’s Retriever:

import adaflow as adal
import dspy

class DspyRetriever(adal.Retriever):
    def __init__(self, top_k: int = 3):
        self.top_k = top_k
        self.dspy_retriever = dspy.Retrieve(k=top_k)

    def call(self, input: str, top_k: Optional[int] = None) -> List[adal.RetrieverOutput]:

        k = top_k or self.top_k

        output = self.dspy_retriever(query_or_queries=input, k=k)
        final_output: List[RetrieverOutput] = []
        documents = output.passages

        return final_output

Let’s try one example:

def test_retriever():
    question = "How many storeys are in the castle that David Gregory inherited?"
    retriever = DspyRetriever(top_k=3)
    retriever_out = retriever(input=question)
    print(f"retriever_out: {retriever_out}")

The output will be:

[RetrieverOutput(doc_indices=[], doc_scores=None, query='How many storeys are in the castle that David Gregory inherited?', documents=['David Gregory (physician) | David Gregory (20 December 1625 – 1720) was a Scottish physician and inventor. His surname is sometimes spelt as Gregorie, the original Scottish spelling. He inherited Kinnairdy Castle in 1664. Three of his twenty-nine children became mathematics professors. He is credited with inventing a military cannon that Isaac Newton described as "being destructive to the human species". Copies and details of the model no longer exist. Gregory\'s use of a barometer to predict farming-related weather conditions led him to be accused of witchcraft by Presbyterian ministers from Aberdeen, although he was never convicted.', 'St. Gregory Hotel | The St. Gregory Hotel is a boutique hotel located in downtown Washington, D.C., in the United States. Established in 2000, the nine-floor hotel has 155 rooms, which includes 54 deluxe rooms, 85 suites with kitchens, and 16 top-floor suites with balconies. The hotel, which changed hands in June 2015, has a life-size statue of Marilyn Monroe in the lobby.', 'Karl D. Gregory Cooperative House | Karl D. Gregory Cooperative House is a member of the Inter-Cooperative Council at the University of Michigan. The structure that stands at 1617 Washtenaw was originally built in 1909 for the Tau Gamma Nu fraternity, but was purchased by the ICC in 1995. Gregory House is the only house in the organization that is expressly substance free. No tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs are allowed on the property. Gregory House has a maximum capacity of 29 members (by way of 13 single and 8 double capacity rooms) as of June 2008.'])]

Trainable RAG

In other tutorials, we used only one component - Generator, so there is no need to connect the output-input between components. That was why we had written our task pipeline with a single call method that has both training and inference mode.

The previous task pipeline call method will return GeneratorOutput in inference mode and Parameter in training mode.

def call(
     self, question: str, id: Optional[str] = None
 ) -> Union[adal.GeneratorOutput, adal.Parameter]:
     prompt_kwargs = self._prepare_input(question)
     output = self.llm(prompt_kwargs=prompt_kwargs, id=id)
     return output

The above code works as the __call__ method of the Generator component supports training and inference mode already.

Inference mode

We can separate the inference mode and training mode by using call and forward methods separately. Implementing call method is just free-form pythonic coding. Assume this class already have retriever and llm configured in the __init__ method.

Here is our call method:

def call(self, question: str, id: str = None) -> adal.GeneratorOutput:
    if self.training:
        raise ValueError(
            "This component is not supposed to be called in training mode"

    retriever_out = self.retriever.call(input=question)

    successor_map_fn = lambda x: (  # noqa E731
        "\n\n".join(x[0].documents) if x and x[0] and x[0].documents else ""
    retrieved_context = successor_map_fn(retriever_out)

    prompt_kwargs = {
        "context": retrieved_context,
        "question": question,

    output = self.llm.call(
    return output

Between the retriever and llm components, we converted the retriever output to a string and passed it to the llm component via the prompt_kwargs.

Training mode

In this case, we need to create a trainable RAG pipeline with both Retriever and Generator components. Here in particular, we show how to write the forward`(training) method of the `RAG component. To make a pipeline trainable, we need to pass Parameter as input and output between components.

The foward method of Generator will use Parameter to build a dynamic computation graph, and we need a way to convert the output of the Retriever to the input of the Generator. We achieve this via using the successor_map_fn of Parameter class. In this case, the data field of the Parameter saved the output of the Retriever. The successor_map_fn will apply a mapping function to convert the Parameter output from the Retriever to the string format used in the Generator prompt.

Here is our RAG component’s forward method:

def forward(self, question: str, id: str = None) -> adal.Parameter:
    if not self.training:
        raise ValueError("This component is not supposed to be called in eval mode")
    retriever_out = self.retriever.forward(input=question)
    successor_map_fn = lambda x: (  # noqa E731
        if x.data and x.data[0] and x.data[0].documents
        else ""
    retriever_out.add_successor_map_fn(successor=self.llm, map_fn=successor_map_fn)
    generator_out = self.llm.forward(
        prompt_kwargs={"question": question, "context": retriever_out}, id=id
    return generator_out

Both modes in the same method

You also still has the option to put two methods together. Here is one example:

def bicall(
    self, question: str, id: str = None
) -> Union[adal.GeneratorOutput, adal.Parameter]:
    """You can also combine both the forward and call in the same function.
    Supports both training and eval mode by using __call__ for GradComponents
    like Retriever and Generator
    retriever_out = self.retriever(input=question)
    if isinstance(retriever_out, adal.Parameter):
        successor_map_fn = lambda x: (  # noqa E731
            if x.data and x.data[0] and x.data[0].documents
            else ""
            successor=self.llm, map_fn=successor_map_fn
        successor_map_fn = lambda x: (  # noqa E731
            "\n\n".join(x[0].documents) if x and x[0] and x[0].documents else ""
        retrieved_context = successor_map_fn(retriever_out)
    prompt_kwargs = {
        "context": retrieved_context,
        "question": question,
    output = self.llm(prompt_kwargs=prompt_kwargs, id=id)
    return output

Trainable Parameters

In this task, we will define two trainable parameters: one to optimize the task description and one to do few-shot learning.

Here is our Task class:

task_desc_str = r"""Answer questions with short factoid answers.

You will receive context(may contain relevant facts) and a question.
Think step by step."""

class VanillaRAG(adal.GradComponent):
    def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3, model_client=None, model_kwargs=None):

        self.passages_per_hop = passages_per_hop

        self.retriever = DspyRetriever(top_k=passages_per_hop)
        self.llm_parser = adal.DataClassParser(
            data_class=AnswerData, return_data_class=True, format_type="json"
        self.llm = Generator(
                "task_desc_str": adal.Parameter(
                    role_desc="Task description for the language model",
                "few_shot_demos": adal.Parameter(
                    role_desc="To provide few shot demos to the language model",
                "output_format_str": self.llm_parser.get_output_format_str(),

Prepare for Training

First, we need to create a AdalComponent to help configs the Trainer.

  • In the __init__: `eval_fn and loss_fn, task, and configure teacher generator for few-shot learning,

and backward_engine and optimizer for text_grad optimization.

  • Minimumly, we need to let the Trainer know (1) how to call the task pipeline in both modes.

  1. in inference/eval mode, how to parse the last output (GenereratorOutput) to the input of the eval_fn.

  2. in training mode, how to parse the last output (Parameter) to the input of the loss_fn.

Here is the AdalComponent class for the VanillaRAG task:

class VallinaRAGAdal(adal.AdalComponent):
    def __init__(
        model_client: adal.ModelClient,
        model_kwargs: Dict,
        backward_engine_model_config: Dict | None = None,
        teacher_model_config: Dict | None = None,
        text_optimizer_model_config: Dict | None = None,
        task = VanillaRAG(
        eval_fn = AnswerMatchAcc(type="fuzzy_match").compute_single_item
        loss_fn = adal.EvalFnToTextLoss(
            eval_fn=eval_fn, eval_fn_desc="fuzzy_match: 1 if str(y) in str(y_gt) else 0"

    # tell the trainer how to call the task
    def prepare_task(self, sample: HotPotQAData) -> Tuple[Callable[..., Any], Dict]:
        if self.task.training:
            return self.task.forward, {"question": sample.question, "id": sample.id}
            return self.task.call, {"question": sample.question, "id": sample.id}

    # eval mode: get the generator output, directly engage with the eval_fn
    def prepare_eval(self, sample: HotPotQAData, y_pred: adal.GeneratorOutput) -> float:
        y_label = ""
        if y_pred and y_pred.data and y_pred.data.answer:
            y_label = y_pred.data.answer
        return self.eval_fn, {"y": y_label, "y_gt": sample.answer}

    # train mode: get the loss and get the data from the full_response
    def prepare_loss(self, sample: HotPotQAData, pred: adal.Parameter):
        # prepare gt parameter
        y_gt = adal.Parameter(

        # pred's full_response is the output of the task pipeline which is GeneratorOutput
        pred.eval_input = (
            if pred.full_response
            and pred.full_response.data
            and pred.full_response.data.answer
            else ""
        return self.loss_fn, {"kwargs": {"y": pred, "y_gt": y_gt}}


Before we start training, we decided to diagnose the pipeline and to analyze the current performance before the optimization. Here is the code:

def train_diagnose(
    model_client: adal.ModelClient,
    model_kwargs: Dict,
) -> Dict:

    trainset, valset, testset = load_datasets()

    adal_component = VallinaRAGAdal(
    trainer = adal.Trainer(adaltask=adal_component)
    trainer.diagnose(dataset=trainset, split="train")
    # trainer.diagnose(dataset=valset, split="val")
    # trainer.diagnose(dataset=testset, split="test")

From this, I have discovered that the inital evaluation will think Yes and yes are different answers. We fixed the evaluator to use the lower case of the prediction and the ground truth to compare. The pipeline without optimizaton achieved around \(0.6\) accuracy on the test set.


First, we train with only the supervision on the final generation answer, without the retriever supervision.

API reference

  • datasets.hotpotqa.HotPotQA