Source code for core.prompt_builder

"""Class prompt builder for AdalFlow system prompt."""

from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List, TypeVar, Union
import logging
from functools import lru_cache

from jinja2 import Template, Environment, StrictUndefined, meta

from adalflow.core.default_prompt_template import DEFAULT_ADALFLOW_SYSTEM_PROMPT
from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter
from adalflow.core.component import DataComponent

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class Prompt(DataComponent): __doc__ = r"""Renders a text string(prompt) from a Jinja2 template string. In default, we use the :ref:`DEFAULT_ADALFLOW_SYSTEM_PROMPT<core-default_prompt_template>` as the template. Args: template (str, optional): The Jinja2 template string. Defaults to DEFAULT_ADALFLOW_SYSTEM_PROMPT. preset_prompt_kwargs (Optional[Dict], optional): The preset prompt kwargs to fill in the variables in the prompt. Defaults to {}. Examples: >>> from core.prompt_builder import Prompt >>> prompt = Prompt(prompt_kwargs={"task_desc_str": "You are a helpful assistant."}) >>> print(prompt) >>> prompt.print_prompt_template() >>> prompt.print_prompt(context_str="This is a context string.") >>>"This is a context string.") When examples_str itself is another template with variables, You can use another Prompt to render it. >>> EXAMPLES_TEMPLATE = r''' >>> {% if examples %} >>> {% for example in examples %} >>> {{loop.index}}. {{example}} >>> {% endfor %} >>> {% endif %} >>> ''' >>> examples_prompt = Prompt(template=EXAMPLES_TEMPLATE) >>> examples_str =["Example 1", "Example 2"]) >>> # pass it to the main prompt >>> prompt.print_prompt(examples_str=examples_str) """ # # save these two fields for serialization, using to_dict and from_dict # template: str = field( # default=DEFAULT_ADALFLOW_SYSTEM_PROMPT, # metadata={"desc": "The Jinja2 template string."}, # ) # prompt_kwargs: Dict[str, Parameter] = field( # default_factory=dict, metadata={"desc": "The preset prompt kwargs."} # ) # prompt_va def __init__( self, template: Optional[str] = None, prompt_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Any, Parameter]]] = {}, ): super().__init__() self.template = template or DEFAULT_ADALFLOW_SYSTEM_PROMPT self.__create_jinja2_template() self.prompt_variables: List[str] = [] for var in self._find_template_variables(self.template): self.prompt_variables.append(var)"{__class__.__name__} has variables: {self.prompt_variables}") self.prompt_kwargs = prompt_kwargs def __create_jinja2_template(self): r"""Create the Jinja2 template object.""" try: self.jinja2_template: Template = get_jinja2_environment().from_string( self.template ) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Jinja2 template: {e}")
[docs] def update_prompt_kwargs(self, **kwargs): r"""Update the initial prompt kwargs after Prompt is initialized.""" self.prompt_kwargs.update(kwargs)
[docs] def get_prompt_variables(self) -> List[str]: r"""Get the prompt kwargs.""" return self.prompt_variables
[docs] def is_key_in_template(self, key: str) -> bool: r"""Check if the key exists in the template.""" return key in self.prompt_variables
def _find_template_variables(self, template_str: str): """Automatically find all the variables in the template.""" parsed_content = self.jinja2_template.environment.parse(template_str) return meta.find_undeclared_variables(parsed_content)
[docs] def compose_prompt_kwargs(self, **kwargs) -> Dict: r"""Compose the final prompt kwargs by combining the initial and the provided kwargs at runtime.""" composed_kwargs = {key: None for key in self.prompt_variables} if self.prompt_kwargs: composed_kwargs.update(self.prompt_kwargs) if kwargs: for key, _ in kwargs.items(): if key not in composed_kwargs: logger.debug(f"Key {key} does not exist in the prompt_kwargs.") composed_kwargs.update(kwargs) return composed_kwargs
[docs] def print_prompt_template(self): r"""Print the template string.""" print("Template:") print("-------") print(f"{self.template}") print("-------")
[docs] def print_prompt(self, **kwargs) -> str: r"""Print the rendered prompt string using the preset_prompt_kwargs and the provided kwargs.""" try: pass_kwargs = self.compose_prompt_kwargs(**kwargs) pass_kwargs = _convert_prompt_kwargs_to_str(pass_kwargs) logger.debug(f"Prompt kwargs: {pass_kwargs}") prompt_str = self.jinja2_template.render(**pass_kwargs) print("Prompt:\n______________________") print(prompt_str) return prompt_str except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error rendering Jinja2 template: {e}")
# def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: # return*args, **kwds)
[docs] def call(self, **kwargs) -> str: """ Renders the prompt template with keyword arguments. Allow None values. """ try: pass_kwargs = self.compose_prompt_kwargs(**kwargs) pass_kwargs = _convert_prompt_kwargs_to_str(pass_kwargs) prompt_str = self.jinja2_template.render(**pass_kwargs) return prompt_str except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error rendering Jinja2 template: {e}")
def _extra_repr(self) -> str: s = f"template: {self.template}" prompt_kwargs_str = _convert_prompt_kwargs_to_str(self.prompt_kwargs) if prompt_kwargs_str: s += f", prompt_kwargs: {prompt_kwargs_str}" if self.prompt_variables: s += f", prompt_variables: {self.prompt_variables}" return s def __repr__(self) -> str: s = f"template: {self.template}" prompt_kwargs_str = _convert_prompt_kwargs_to_str(self.prompt_kwargs) if prompt_kwargs_str: s += f", prompt_kwargs: {prompt_kwargs_str}" if self.prompt_variables: s += f", prompt_variables: {self.prompt_variables}" return s
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls: type[T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> T: obj = super().from_dict(data) # recreate the jinja2 template obj.jinja2_template = get_jinja2_environment().from_string(obj.template) return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get the dictionary representation of all the Prompt object's attributes, with sorting applied to dictionary keys and list elements to ensure consistent ordering. """ exclude = ["jinja2_template"] # unserializable object output = super().to_dict(exclude=exclude) return output
def _convert_prompt_kwargs_to_str(prompt_kwargs: Dict) -> Dict[str, str]: r"""Convert the prompt_kwargs to a dictionary with string values.""" prompt_kwargs_str: Dict[str, str] = {} for key, p in prompt_kwargs.items(): if isinstance(p, Parameter): prompt_kwargs_str[key] = elif isinstance(p, list): prompt_kwargs_str[key] = [ ( p_elem.data_in_prompt(p_elem) if isinstance(p_elem, Parameter) else p_elem ) for p_elem in p ] else: prompt_kwargs_str[key] = p return prompt_kwargs_str
[docs] @lru_cache(None) def get_jinja2_environment(): r"""Helper function for Prompt component to get the Jinja2 environment with the default settings.""" try: default_environment = Environment( undefined=StrictUndefined, trim_blocks=True, keep_trailing_newline=True, lstrip_blocks=True, ) return default_environment except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Jinja2 environment: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": import adalflow as adal template = r"""<START_OF_SYSTEM_MESSAGE>{{ task_desc_str }}<END_OF_SYSTEM_MESSAGE> {# tools #} {% if tools %} <TOOLS> {% for tool in tools %} {{loop.index}}. {{ tool }} {% endfor %} </TOOLS>{% endif %} <START_OF_USER>{{ input_str }} <END_OF_USER>""" task_desc_str = "You are a helpful assitant" tools = ["google", "wikipedia", "wikidata"] prompt = adal.Prompt( template=template, prompt_kwargs={ "task_desc_str": task_desc_str, "tools": tools, }, ) print(prompt(input_str="What is the capital of France?")) to_dict = prompt.to_dict() prompt_restructured = adal.Prompt.from_dict(to_dict) print(to_dict) print(prompt_restructured)