Source code for optim.text_grad.ops

"""Text-grad operations such as Sum and Aggregate."""

from typing import List
import logging

from adalflow.optim.function import BackwardContext
from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter
from adalflow.optim.types import ParameterType
from adalflow.optim.grad_component import GradComponent

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def sum_ops(params: List[Parameter]) -> Parameter: """ Represents a sum operation on a list of variables. In TextGrad, sum is simply concatenation of the values of the variables. :param variables: The list of variables to be summed (concatenated). :type variables: List[Variable] :return: A new variable representing the sum of the input variables. :rtype: Variable """ for param in params: if not isinstance(param, Parameter): raise ValueError( f"Sum operation only accepts a list of Parameters, got {type(param)}" ) return Sum()(params)
# TODO: there might be a better way to do this. # TODO: make all loss functions to support batch losses # TODO: use a temlate to format the concatenated values
[docs] class Sum(GradComponent): __doc__ = """The class to define a sum operation on a list of parameters, such as losses or gradients.""" name = "Sum" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.forward(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def forward(self, params: List[Parameter]) -> Parameter: """ Performs the forward pass of the sum operation. This is a simple operation that concatenates the values of the parameters. :param params: The list of parameters to be summed. :type params: List[Parameter] :rtype: Parameter """ for param in params: if not isinstance(param, Parameter): raise ValueError( f"Sum operation only accepts a list of Parameters, got {type(param)}" ) concat_values = "\n".join([str( for p in params]) # to_dict role_descriptions = set([p.role_desc for p in params]) role_descriptions = ", ".join(role_descriptions) total = Parameter( data=concat_values, role_desc=f"A combination of a list of variables: {role_descriptions}", requires_opt=any([p.requires_opt for p in params]), name="sum", score=sum([p._score for p in params]), # total has a score ) total.set_predecessors(params)"Sum forward", extra={"total":}) total.set_grad_fn(BackwardContext(backward_fn=self.backward, summation=total)) return total
[docs] def backward(self, summation: Parameter): """ Performs the backward pass of the sum operation. This is simply an idempotent operation, where we make a gradient with the combined feedback and add it to the predecessors'grads. :param summation: The parameter representing the sum. :type summation: Parameter """"Sum backward: {}") pred_params = summation.predecessors # losses summation_gradients = summation.get_gradient_and_context_text().strip() for param in pred_params: if param.check_if_already_computed_gradient_respect_to( f"Gradient already computed for {param.role_desc} with respect to {summation.role_desc}" ) print( f"Gradient already computed for {param.role_desc} with respect to {summation.role_desc}" ) continue # add a combined gradients if ( summation_gradients == "" ): # as loss sum to be the base, it simply allows gradients computations on multiple losses param_gradient_value = "" else: # as a mid layer, it will have a combined feedback param_gradient_value = f"Here is the combined feedback we got for this specific {param.role_desc} and other parameters: {summation_gradients}." extra = { "p_gradient_value": param_gradient_value, "summation_role": summation.role_desc, }"""Idempotent sum backward: {extra}""") param_gradient = Parameter( name=f"sum_to_{}_grad", data=param_gradient_value, role_desc=f"Feedback to {param.role_desc}", score=summation._score,, param_type=ParameterType.GRADIENT, ) param.add_gradient(param_gradient) log.debug(f"Added gradient to {param.role_desc}: {}")