Source code for optim.text_grad.llm_text_loss

"""Implementation of TextGrad: Automatic “Differentiation” via Text.
This code is not used as we treat the non-optimizable version of LLM judge as a form of eval_fn.
We use class EvalFnToTextLoss instead as of today 12/9/2024"""

from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING

    from adalflow.core import ModelClient
    from ..parameter import Parameter

from adalflow.optim.loss_component import LossComponent
from typing import Dict
from copy import deepcopy
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] class LLMAsTextLoss(LossComponent): __doc__ = r"""Evaluate the final RAG response using an LLM judge. The LLM judge will have: - eval_system_prompt: The system prompt to evaluate the response. - y_hat: The response to evaluate. - Optional: y: The correct response to compare against. The loss will be a Parameter with the evaluation result and can be used to compute gradients. This loss use LLM/Generator as the computation/transformation operator, so it's gradient will be found from the Generator's backward method. """ def __init__( self, prompt_kwargs: Dict[str, Union[str, "Parameter"]], model_client: "ModelClient", model_kwargs: Dict[str, object], ): from adalflow.core.generator import Generator from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter super().__init__() prompt_kwargs = deepcopy(prompt_kwargs) # TODO: do we really need to convert str to Parameter? what if not? for key, value in prompt_kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, str): prompt_kwargs[key] = Parameter( data=value, requires_opt=False, role_desc=key ) self.prompt_kwargs = prompt_kwargs # this is llm as judge (loss) to get the loss self.loss_llm = Generator( name="llm_judge", model_client=model_client, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, template=TEXT_LOSS_TEMPLATE, prompt_kwargs=prompt_kwargs, ) # def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # return self.forward(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Parameter": return self.loss_llm.forward(*args, **kwargs)