Source code for optim.grad_component

"""Base class for Autograd Components that can be called and backpropagated through."""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging

    from adalflow.core.generator import BackwardEngine
    from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter

from adalflow.optim.types import ParameterType

from adalflow.core.component import Component
from adalflow.optim.function import BackwardContext

__all__ = ["GradComponent"]
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class GradComponent(Component): __doc__ = """A base class to define interfaces for an auto-grad component/operator. Compared with `Component`, `GradComponent` defines three important interfaces: - `forward`: the forward pass of the function, returns a `Parameter` object that can be traced and backpropagated. - `backward`: the backward pass of the function, updates the gradients/prediction score backpropagated from a "loss" parameter. - `set_backward_engine`: set the backward engine(a form of generator) to the component, which is used to backpropagate the gradients using LLM. The __call__ method will check if the component is in training mode, and call the `forward` method to return a `Parameter` object if it is in training mode, otherwise, it will call the `call` method to return the output such as "GeneratorOutput", "RetrieverOutput", etc. """ backward_engine: "BackwardEngine" _component_type = "grad" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() super().__setattr__("backward_engine", None) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if return self.forward(*args, **kwargs) else: return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_backward_engine(self, backward_engine: "BackwardEngine", *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("set_backward_engine method is not implemented")
[docs] def call(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("call method is not implemented")
[docs] async def acall(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Implement this for your async call.""" raise NotImplementedError("acall method is not implemented")
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Parameter": r"""Default forward method for training: 1. for all args and kwargs, if it is a `Parameter` object, it will be tracked as `Predecessor`. 2. Trace input_args and full_response in the parameter object. 3. Return the parameter object. TODO: all Gradcomponent should not allow args but only kwargs. For now, just check if id is in kwargs. """ from adalflow.optim.parameter import Parameter log.debug( f"Forwarding through {} with args: {args} and kwargs: {kwargs}" ) # if "id" not in kwargs: # raise ValueError( # "id must be provided in the kwargs of a GradComponent for tracing." # ) # 1. get all predecessors from all args and kwargs input_args = OrderedDict() # Add positional args to the ordered dict for idx, arg in enumerate(args): input_args[f"arg_{idx}"] = arg # Add keyword args to the ordered dict, preserving order predecessors = [] for v in input_args.values(): if isinstance(v, Parameter): predecessors.append(v) for v in kwargs.values(): if isinstance(v, Parameter): predecessors.append(v) # 2. unwrap the parameter object to take only the data, successor_map_fn: lambda x: in default # unwrap args unwrapped_args = [] for k, v in input_args.items(): if isinstance(v, Parameter): unwrapped_args.append(v.map_to_successor(self)) else: unwrapped_args.append(v) unwrapped_kwargs = {} # unwrap kwargs for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, Parameter): unwrapped_kwargs[k] = v.map_to_successor(self) else: unwrapped_kwargs[k] = v # 3. call the function with unwrapped args and kwargs unwrapped_args = tuple(unwrapped_args) log.debug(f"Unwrapped args: {unwrapped_args}") log.debug(f"Unwrapped kwargs: {unwrapped_kwargs}") call_response =*unwrapped_args, **unwrapped_kwargs) # 4. Create a Parameter object to trace the forward pass input_args.update(kwargs) response = Parameter( data=call_response, + "_output", + " response", param_type=ParameterType.OUTPUT, ) response.set_predecessors(predecessors) response.trace_forward_pass(input_args=input_args, full_response=call_response) response.set_grad_fn( BackwardContext( backward_fn=self.backward, response=response, id=kwargs.get("id", None), ) ) return response
[docs] def backward(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
# raise NotImplementedError("backward method is not implemented")