Source code for datasets.big_bench_hard

import csv
import json
import os
import uuid
from typing import Literal
import subprocess
from import Dataset
from adalflow.datasets.types import Example

from adalflow.utils.file_io import save_csv
from adalflow.datasets.utils import prepare_dataset_path

# TODO: here users clean adalflow created files
[docs] class BigBenchHard(Dataset): __doc__ = """Big Bench Hard dataset for object counting task. You can find the task name from the following link: Data will be saved to ~/.adalflow/cache_datasets/BBH_object_counting/{split}.csv if root is not specified. Size for each split: - train: 50 examples - val: 50 examples - test: 100 examples Args: task_name (str): The name of the task. "BHH_{task_name}" is the task name in the dataset. root (str, optional): Root directory of the dataset to save the data. Defaults to ~/.adalflow/cache_datasets/task_name. split (str, optional): The dataset split, supports ``"train"`` (default), ``"val"`` and ``"test"``. """ def __init__( self, task_name: Literal["BBH_object_counting"] = "BBH_object_counting", root: str = None, split: Literal["train", "val", "test"] = "train", *args, **kwargs, ): if split not in ["train", "val", "test"]: raise ValueError("Split must be one of 'train', 'val', 'test'") # if root is None: # root = get_adalflow_default_root_path() # print(f"Saving dataset to {root}") self.root = root self.split = split self.task_name = "_".join(task_name.split("_")[1:]) data_path = prepare_dataset_path(self.root, self.task_name) self._check_or_download_dataset(data_path, split) = [] split_csv_path = os.path.join(data_path, f"{split}.csv") with open(split_csv_path, newline="") as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: Example(question=row["x"], answer=row["y"], id=row["id"]) ) # dont use a tuple, use a dict {"x": ..., "y": ...} def _check_or_download_dataset(self, data_path: str = None, split: str = "train"): if data_path is None: raise ValueError("data_path must be specified") json_path = os.path.join(data_path, f"{self.task_name}.json") split_csv_path = os.path.join(data_path, f"{split}.csv") if os.path.exists(split_csv_path): return print(f"Downloading dataset to {json_path}") [ "wget", f"{self.task_name}.json", "-O", json_path, ] ) with open(json_path) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) examples = data["examples"] # NOTE: better to shuffle the examples before splitting. # We do this splitting in order to be consistent with text-grad paper. train_examples = [ {"x": ex["input"], "y": ex["target"], "id": str(uuid.uuid4())} for ex in examples[:50] ] val_examples = [ {"x": ex["input"], "y": ex["target"], "id": str(uuid.uuid4())} for ex in examples[50:100] ] test_examples = [ {"x": ex["input"], "y": ex["target"], "id": str(uuid.uuid4())} for ex in examples[150:250] ] # ensure the for split, examples in zip( ["train", "val", "test"], [train_examples, val_examples, test_examples] ): target_path = os.path.join(data_path, f"{split}.csv") print(f"Saving {split} split to {target_path}") save_csv(examples, f=target_path, fieldnames=["x", "y", "id"]) def __getitem__(self, index) -> Example: return[index] def __len__(self): return len(
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_task_instruction(): _task_description = "You will answer a reasoning question. Think step by step. The last line of your response should be of the following format: 'Answer: $VALUE' where VALUE is a numerical value." return _task_description
if __name__ == "__main__": from adalflow.datasets.big_bench_hard import BigBenchHard dataset = BigBenchHard("BBH_word_sorting", split="train") print(dataset[0:10]) print(len(dataset)) print(dataset.get_default_task_instruction())