Source code for core.string_parser

"""Extract and convert common string to Python objects.

From simple data types like boolean, integer, and float to more complex data types like JSON, YAML, and list strings.

from typing import Dict, List, Union
import logging
from adalflow.core.component import DataComponent

import adalflow.core.functional as F

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# class Parser:
#     __doc__ = r"""Base class for all string parsers."""

#     def __init__(self):
#         super().__init__()

#     def __call__(self, input: str) -> object:
#         return

#     def call(self, input: str) -> object:
#         raise NotImplementedError(
#             "Parser subclasses must implement the __call__ method"
#         )

[docs] class BooleanParser(DataComponent): __doc__ = r"""Extracts boolean values from text. Examples: .. code-block:: python boolean_parser = BooleanParser() test_input_1 = "True" # or "true" or "...true..." print(boolean_parser(test_input_1)) # Expected to extract True """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__()
[docs] def call(self, input: str) -> BOOLEAN_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE: input = input.strip() try: return F.extract_first_boolean(input) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error: {e}")
[docs] class IntParser(DataComponent): __doc__ = r"""Extracts integer values from text. Returns: int: Extracted integer value. Raises: ValueError: If the input text does not contain an integer Examples: .. code-block:: python int_parser = IntParser() test_input_2 = "123" # or "...123..." print(int_parser(test_input_2)) # Expected to extract 123 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def call(self, input: str) -> INT_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE: input = input.strip() try: return F.extract_first_int(input) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error: {e}")
[docs] class FloatParser(DataComponent): __doc__ = r"""Extracts float values from text. Returns: float: Extracted float value. Raises: ValueError: If the input text does not contain a float Examples: .. code-block:: python float_parser = FloatParser() test_input_3 = "123.45" # or "...123.45..." print(float_parser(test_input_3)) # Expected to extract 123.45 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def call(self, input: str) -> FLOAT_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE: input = input.strip() try: return F.extract_first_float(input) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error: {e}")
[docs] class ListParser(DataComponent): __doc__ = r"""Extracts list `[...]` strings from text and parses them into a list object. Args: add_missing_right_bracket (bool, optional): Add a missing right bracket to the list string. Defaults to True. Returns: List[object]: Extracted list object. Raises: ValueError: If the input text does not contain a list Examples: .. code-block:: python list_parser = ListParser() test_input_4 = 'Some random text before ["item1", "item2"] and more after' print(list_parser(test_input_4)) # Expected to extract ["item1", "item2"] """ def __init__(self, add_missing_right_bracket: bool = True): super().__init__() self.add_missing_right_bracket = add_missing_right_bracket
[docs] def call(self, input: str) -> LIST_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE: input = input.strip() list_str = None # Extract list string try: list_str = F.extract_list_str(input, self.add_missing_right_bracket) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error at extracting list string: {e}") # Parse list string with json.loads and yaml.safe_load try: list_obj = F.parse_json_str_to_obj(list_str) return list_obj except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error at parsing list string with json.loads: {e}") raise ValueError(f"Error: {e}")
JSON_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE = Union[Dict[str, object], List[object]]
[docs] class JsonParser(DataComponent): __doc__ = r"""Extracts JSON strings `{...}` or `[...]` from text and parses them into a JSON object. It can output either a dictionary or a list as they are both valid JSON objects. Args: add_missing_right_brace (bool, optional): Add a missing right brace to the JSON string. Defaults to True. Returns: Union[Dict[str, object], List[object]]: Extracted JSON object. Raises: ValueError: If the input text does not contain a JSON object Examples: .. code-block:: python json_parser = JsonParser() json_str = "```json\n{\"key\": \"value\"}\n```" json_obj = json_parser(json_str) print(json_obj) # Expected to extract {"key": "value"} """ def __init__(self, add_missing_right_brace: bool = True): super().__init__() self.add_missing_right_brace = add_missing_right_brace
[docs] def call(self, input: str) -> JSON_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE: input = input.strip() # Extract JSON string json_str = None try: json_str = F.extract_json_str(input, self.add_missing_right_brace) log.debug(f"json_str: {json_str}") except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error: {e}") # Parse JSON string with json.loads and yaml.safe_load try: json_obj = F.parse_json_str_to_obj(json_str) log.debug(f"json_obj: {json_obj}") return json_obj except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error at parsing JSON string: {e}") raise ValueError(f"Error: {e}")
YAML_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE = JSON_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE # TODO: yaml parser needs to be more robust, currently json works way better than yaml
[docs] class YamlParser(DataComponent): __doc__ = r"""To extract YAML strings from text and parse them into a YAML object. Returns: JSON_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE: Extracted YAML object. Raises: ValueError: If the input text does not contain a YAML object Examples: .. code-block:: python yaml_parser = YamlParser() yaml_str = "```yaml\nkey: value\n```" yaml_obj = yaml_parser(yaml_str) print(yaml_obj) # Expected to extract {"key": "value"} """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def call(self, input: str) -> YAML_PARSER_OUTPUT_TYPE: input = input.strip() # parse YAML string with yaml.safe_load try: yaml_str = F.extract_yaml_str(input) yaml_obj = F.parse_yaml_str_to_obj(yaml_str) return yaml_obj except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error: {e}")