Source code for components.output_parsers.dataclass_parser

"""DataClassParser will help users interact with LLMs even better than JsonOutputParser and YamlOutputParser with DataClass."""

from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from typing import Any, Literal, List, Optional
import logging

from adalflow.core.prompt_builder import Prompt
from adalflow.core.component import DataComponent
from adalflow.core.string_parser import YamlParser, JsonParser
from adalflow.core.base_data_class import DataClass, DataClassFormatType
from adalflow.core.base_data_class import ExcludeType, IncludeType

__all__ = ["DataClassParser"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

JSON_OUTPUT_FORMAT = r"""Your output should be formatted as a standard JSON instance with the following schema:
-Make sure to always enclose the JSON output in triple backticks (```). Please do not add anything other than valid JSON output!
-Use double quotes for the keys and string values.
-DO NOT mistaken the "properties" and "type" in the schema as the actual fields in the JSON output.
-Follow the JSON formatting conventions."""

YAML_OUTPUT_FORMAT = r"""Your output should be formatted as a standard YAML instance with the following schema:
-Make sure to always enclose the YAML output in triple backticks (```). Please do not add anything other than valid YAML output!
-Follow the YAML formatting conventions with an indent of 2 spaces.
-DO NOT mistaken the "properties" and "type" in the schema as the actual fields in the YAML output.
-Quote the string values properly."""

{% if examples %}
{% for example in examples %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

[docs] class DataClassParser(DataComponent): __doc__ = r"""Made the structured output even simpler compared with JsonOutputParser and YamlOutputParser. 1. Understands __input_fields__ and __output_fields__ from the DataClass (no need to use include/exclude to decide fields). 2. User can choose to save the `task_desc` in the DataClass and use it in the prompt. Example: .. code-block:: python @dataclass class BasicQAOutput(adal.DataClass): explanation: str = field( metadata={"desc": "A brief explanation of the concept in one sentence."} ) example: str = field( metadata={"desc": "An example of the concept in a sentence."} ) # Control output fields order __output_fields__ = ["explanation", "example"] # Define the template using jinja2 syntax qa_template = "<SYS> You are a helpful assistant. <OUTPUT_FORMAT> {{output_format_str}} </OUTPUT_FORMAT> </SYS> <USER> {{input_str}} </USER>" parser = adal.DataClassParser(data_class=BasicQAOutput, return_data_class=True) # Set up the generator with model, template, and parser self.generator = adal.Generator( model_client=model_client, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, template=qa_template, prompt_kwargs={"output_format_str": parser.get_output_format_str()}, output_processors=parser, ) """ def __init__( self, data_class: DataClass, return_data_class: bool = False, format_type: Literal["yaml", "json"] = "json", ): super().__init__() if not is_dataclass(data_class): raise ValueError("data_class must be a dataclass.") if not issubclass(data_class, DataClass): raise ValueError("data_class must be a subclass of DataClass.") self._return_data_class = return_data_class self._input_fields = data_class.get_input_fields() self._output_fields = data_class.get_output_fields() if format_type not in ["yaml", "json"]: raise ValueError("Invalid format type.") self._format_type = format_type self._data_class: DataClass = data_class self._output_processor = YamlParser() if format_type == "yaml" else JsonParser() self.output_format_prompt = ( Prompt(template=YAML_OUTPUT_FORMAT) if format_type == "yaml" else Prompt(template=JSON_OUTPUT_FORMAT) )
[docs] def get_input_format_str(self) -> str: r"""Return the formatted instructions to use in prompt for the input format.""" if self._format_type == "yaml": return self._data_class.to_yaml_signature(include=self._input_fields) else: return self._data_class.to_json_signature(include=self._input_fields)
[docs] def get_output_format_str(self) -> str: r"""Return the formatted instructions to use in prompt for the output format.""" output_format_str = None if self._format_type == "yaml": schema = self._data_class.to_yaml_signature(include=self._output_fields) output_format_str = Prompt(template=YAML_OUTPUT_FORMAT)(schema=schema) else: schema = self._data_class.to_json_signature(include=self._output_fields) output_format_str = Prompt(template=JSON_OUTPUT_FORMAT)(schema=schema) return output_format_str
[docs] def get_input_str(self, input: DataClass) -> str: r"""Return the formatted input string.""" if not isinstance(input, self._data_class): raise ValueError("input must be an instance of the data_class.") if self._format_type == "yaml": return input.to_yaml(include=self._input_fields) else: return input.to_json(include=self._input_fields)
[docs] def get_task_desc_str(self) -> str: r"""Return the task description string.""" return self._data_class.get_task_desc()
[docs] def get_examples_str( self, examples: List[DataClass], include: Optional[IncludeType] = None, exclude: Optional[ExcludeType] = None, ) -> str: r"""Return the examples string.""" str_examples = [] if examples and len(examples) > 0: for example in examples: per_example_str = example.format_example_str( format_type=( DataClassFormatType.EXAMPLE_YAML if self._format_type == "yaml" else DataClassFormatType.EXAMPLE_JSON ), exclude=exclude, include=include, ) str_examples.append(per_example_str) examples_str = Prompt(template=EXAMPLES_FORMAT)(examples=str_examples) return examples_str
[docs] def call(self, input: str) -> Any: r"""Parse the output string to the desired format and return the parsed output.""" try: output_dict = self._output_processor(input) if self._return_data_class: return self._data_class.from_dict(output_dict) return output_dict except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error at parsing output: {e}") raise ValueError(f"Error: {e}")
def _extra_repr(self) -> str: s = f"data_class={self._data_class.__name__}, format_type={self._format_type},\ return_data_class={self._return_data_class}, input_fields={self._input_fields},\ output_fields={self._output_fields}" return s