Source code for components.model_client.openai_client

"""OpenAI ModelClient integration."""

import os
from typing import (
import re

import logging
import backoff

# optional import
from adalflow.utils.lazy_import import safe_import, OptionalPackages

openai = safe_import(OptionalPackages.OPENAI.value[0], OptionalPackages.OPENAI.value[1])

from openai import OpenAI, AsyncOpenAI, Stream
from openai import (
from openai.types import (
from import ChatCompletionChunk, ChatCompletion

from adalflow.core.model_client import ModelClient
from adalflow.core.types import (
from adalflow.components.model_client.utils import parse_embedding_response

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
T = TypeVar("T")

# completion parsing functions and you can combine them into one singple chat completion parser
[docs] def get_first_message_content(completion: ChatCompletion) -> str: r"""When we only need the content of the first message. It is the default parser for chat completion.""" return completion.choices[0].message.content
# def _get_chat_completion_usage(completion: ChatCompletion) -> OpenAICompletionUsage: # return completion.usage
[docs] def parse_stream_response(completion: ChatCompletionChunk) -> str: r"""Parse the response of the stream API.""" return completion.choices[0].delta.content
[docs] def handle_streaming_response(generator: Stream[ChatCompletionChunk]): r"""Handle the streaming response.""" for completion in generator: log.debug(f"Raw chunk completion: {completion}") parsed_content = parse_stream_response(completion) yield parsed_content
[docs] def get_all_messages_content(completion: ChatCompletion) -> List[str]: r"""When the n > 1, get all the messages content.""" return [c.message.content for c in completion.choices]
[docs] def get_probabilities(completion: ChatCompletion) -> List[List[TokenLogProb]]: r"""Get the probabilities of each token in the completion.""" log_probs = [] for c in completion.choices: content = c.logprobs.content print(content) log_probs_for_choice = [] for openai_token_logprob in content: token = openai_token_logprob.token logprob = openai_token_logprob.logprob log_probs_for_choice.append(TokenLogProb(token=token, logprob=logprob)) log_probs.append(log_probs_for_choice) return log_probs
[docs] class OpenAIClient(ModelClient): __doc__ = r"""A component wrapper for the OpenAI API client. Support both embedding and chat completion API. Users (1) simplify use ``Embedder`` and ``Generator`` components by passing OpenAIClient() as the model_client. (2) can use this as an example to create their own API client or extend this class(copying and modifing the code) in their own project. Note: We suggest users not to use `response_format` to enforce output data type or `tools` and `tool_choice` in your model_kwargs when calling the API. We do not know how OpenAI is doing the formating or what prompt they have added. Instead - use :ref:`OutputParser<components-output_parsers>` for response parsing and formating. Args: api_key (Optional[str], optional): OpenAI API key. Defaults to None. chat_completion_parser (Callable[[Completion], Any], optional): A function to parse the chat completion to a str. Defaults to None. Default is `get_first_message_content`. References: - Embeddings models: - Chat models: - OpenAI docs: """ def __init__( self, api_key: Optional[str] = None, chat_completion_parser: Callable[[Completion], Any] = None, input_type: Literal["text", "messages"] = "text", ): r"""It is recommended to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable instead of passing it as an argument. Args: api_key (Optional[str], optional): OpenAI API key. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__() self._api_key = api_key self.sync_client = self.init_sync_client() self.async_client = None # only initialize if the async call is called self.chat_completion_parser = ( chat_completion_parser or get_first_message_content ) self._input_type = input_type
[docs] def init_sync_client(self): api_key = self._api_key or os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") if not api_key: raise ValueError("Environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY must be set") return OpenAI(api_key=api_key)
[docs] def init_async_client(self): api_key = self._api_key or os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") if not api_key: raise ValueError("Environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY must be set") return AsyncOpenAI(api_key=api_key)
# def _parse_chat_completion(self, completion: ChatCompletion) -> "GeneratorOutput": # # TODO: raw output it is better to save the whole completion as a source of truth instead of just the message # try: # data = self.chat_completion_parser(completion) # usage = self.track_completion_usage(completion) # return GeneratorOutput( # data=data, error=None, raw_response=str(data), usage=usage # ) # except Exception as e: # log.error(f"Error parsing the completion: {e}") # return GeneratorOutput(data=None, error=str(e), raw_response=completion)
[docs] def parse_chat_completion( self, completion: Union[ChatCompletion, Generator[ChatCompletionChunk, None, None]], ) -> "GeneratorOutput": """Parse the completion, and put it into the raw_response.""" log.debug(f"completion: {completion}, parser: {self.chat_completion_parser}") try: data = self.chat_completion_parser(completion) usage = self.track_completion_usage(completion) return GeneratorOutput( data=None, error=None, raw_response=data, usage=usage ) except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error parsing the completion: {e}") return GeneratorOutput(data=None, error=str(e), raw_response=completion)
[docs] def track_completion_usage( self, completion: Union[ChatCompletion, Generator[ChatCompletionChunk, None, None]], ) -> CompletionUsage: if isinstance(completion, ChatCompletion): usage: CompletionUsage = CompletionUsage( completion_tokens=completion.usage.completion_tokens, prompt_tokens=completion.usage.prompt_tokens, total_tokens=completion.usage.total_tokens, ) return usage else: raise NotImplementedError( "streaming completion usage tracking is not implemented" )
[docs] def parse_embedding_response( self, response: CreateEmbeddingResponse ) -> EmbedderOutput: r"""Parse the embedding response to a structure LightRAG components can understand. Should be called in ``Embedder``. """ try: return parse_embedding_response(response) except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error parsing the embedding response: {e}") return EmbedderOutput(data=[], error=str(e), raw_response=response)
[docs] def convert_inputs_to_api_kwargs( self, input: Optional[Any] = None, model_kwargs: Dict = {}, model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNDEFINED, ) -> Dict: r""" Specify the API input type and output api_kwargs that will be used in _call and _acall methods. Convert the Component's standard input, and system_input(chat model) and model_kwargs into API-specific format """ final_model_kwargs = model_kwargs.copy() if model_type == ModelType.EMBEDDER: if isinstance(input, str): input = [input] # convert input to input if not isinstance(input, Sequence): raise TypeError("input must be a sequence of text") final_model_kwargs["input"] = input elif model_type == ModelType.LLM: # convert input to messages messages: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] if self._input_type == "messages": system_start_tag = "<START_OF_SYSTEM_PROMPT>" system_end_tag = "<END_OF_SYSTEM_PROMPT>" user_start_tag = "<START_OF_USER_PROMPT>" user_end_tag = "<END_OF_USER_PROMPT>" pattern = f"{system_start_tag}(.*?){system_end_tag}{user_start_tag}(.*?){user_end_tag}" # Compile the regular expression regex = re.compile(pattern) # Match the pattern match = system_prompt, input_str = None, None if match: system_prompt = input_str = else: print("No match found.") if system_prompt and input_str: messages.append({"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}) messages.append({"role": "user", "content": input_str}) if len(messages) == 0: messages.append({"role": "system", "content": input}) final_model_kwargs["messages"] = messages else: raise ValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported") return final_model_kwargs
[docs] @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, ( APITimeoutError, InternalServerError, RateLimitError, UnprocessableEntityError, BadRequestError, ), max_time=5, ) def call(self, api_kwargs: Dict = {}, model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNDEFINED): """ kwargs is the combined input and model_kwargs. Support streaming call. """"api_kwargs: {api_kwargs}") if model_type == ModelType.EMBEDDER: return self.sync_client.embeddings.create(**api_kwargs) elif model_type == ModelType.LLM: if "stream" in api_kwargs and api_kwargs.get("stream", False): log.debug("streaming call") self.chat_completion_parser = handle_streaming_response return**api_kwargs) return**api_kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")
[docs] @backoff.on_exception( backoff.expo, ( APITimeoutError, InternalServerError, RateLimitError, UnprocessableEntityError, BadRequestError, ), max_time=5, ) async def acall( self, api_kwargs: Dict = {}, model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNDEFINED ): """ kwargs is the combined input and model_kwargs """ if self.async_client is None: self.async_client = self.init_async_client() if model_type == ModelType.EMBEDDER: return await self.async_client.embeddings.create(**api_kwargs) elif model_type == ModelType.LLM: return await**api_kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"model_type {model_type} is not supported")
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls: type[T], data: Dict[str, Any]) -> T: obj = super().from_dict(data) # recreate the existing clients obj.sync_client = obj.init_sync_client() obj.async_client = obj.init_async_client() return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Convert the component to a dictionary.""" # TODO: not exclude but save yes or no for recreating the clients exclude = [ "sync_client", "async_client", ] # unserializable object output = super().to_dict(exclude=exclude) return output
# if __name__ == "__main__": # from adalflow.core import Generator # from adalflow.utils import setup_env, get_logger # log = get_logger(level="DEBUG") # setup_env() # prompt_kwargs = {"input_str": "What is the meaning of life?"} # gen = Generator( # model_client=OpenAIClient(), # model_kwargs={"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "stream": True}, # ) # gen_response = gen(prompt_kwargs) # print(f"gen_response: {gen_response}") # for genout in # print(f"genout: {genout}")